Office of African American Affairs
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Department of City Development
The City's Zoning Ordinance is the primary tool for regulating land use and design in the City. Zoning consists of both the zoning code text and the zoning map. All properties in the City of Milwaukee have a zoning district designation. Some properties may also be in an overlay zone which can require additional review and approval. Specialized districts such as Redevelopment Zoning (RED) may have seperate codes that need to be followed. A Planned Development Zoning District is specific to a single site and can be appropriate for unique circumstances when the regular zoning does not meet the need or when additional review and approval is desired. Planning works to develop specific zoning districts and tools and reviews projects in special districts, while the Development Center of the Department of Neighbohood Services reviews all projects for compliance with the base zoning code.
If you're wondering whether your project needs a permit or would like to request a zoning letter, the place to start is the Development Center of the Department of Neighborhood Services.
The Zoning Text is part of the Milwaukee code of ordinances and establishes the legal land uses and design standards for the various zoning districts. The Legislative Reference Bureau of the City Clerk’s Office maintains the code of ordinances. The Development Center of DNS determines official zoning code compliance.
The City’s zoning map designates the legal land uses and design standards for all properties in the city of Milwaukee. To apply for a change to the zoning map for your property, please use the following links:
In addition to base zoning, some properties may also be in a zoning overlay zone which can require additional review and approval.
Planned Development zoning is intended to allow flexibility in land development for unique projects. This zoning is site-specific, and encourages development that is compatible with its surroundings and is consistent with the City’s comprehensive plan. To apply for a change in zoning for your property to Planned Development (PD), or to amend or modify an existing PD, please use the following links:
Redevelopment districts provide alternate zoning standards in areas of the City where the Common Council has adopted a redevelopment plan which includes specific regulations for the use and design of properties within its boundaries.
The following pages have extensive information regarding various zoning topics
[email protected] 414-286-5714
For information on permits and zoning letters please contact the Department of Neighborhood Services.
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