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$1 Vacant Side Lot

Do you own and live in your house? If there is an undevelopable vacant City-owned lot directly to the side of your property we may be able to sell it to you.  


  • Lots for purchase for $1 must be approved by the local alderperson
  • You must own and live in the property that directly borders the vacant lot and the lot must border the long side of your property line
  • You must be current on all taxes and water and sewer bills and not have any outstanding code violations for any property you own in the City of Milwaukee

Additional costs:

  • Approximately $500 in closing costs for the purchase
  • Additional property taxes that will be assessed with the addition of the extra lot
  • Municipal Service Charges (Storm Water and Snow & Ice Removal may appear on the Milwaukee Water Works Municipal Services bill)

Steps to ownership:

  • Call or email Tess Wynn at (414) 286-5838 or email [email protected].
  • The City will determine whether or not the vacant lot you request is available and eligible
  • The City will certify that you are in good standing with the City of Milwaukee

Vacant side lots may be used for:

  • Garden, side yard or landscaped open space
  • Houses may be built on the vacant lot, and garages, sheds and fencing are also allowed
  • Permits will be required for any future construction or fencing projects

Note: Only lots that have no development potential are available for $1. We must wait six months after a house has been demolished before we take a request to purchase the vacant lot. The $1 Vacant Side Lot Program is not available for tax exempt purposes or in commercial areas.

Our process is as follows:

• Requests are processed in the order registered and added to the waiting list
• Lots are only available to homeowners who live in their house and have a lot directly adjacent to side of their property
• If two owner-occupants live next to a lot and both wish to purchase it we may divide the property
• If a lot is available, your request will be added to a report and submitted to the local alderperson for approval
• Once approved, the sale process can begin
• A background check is conducted to ensure you are current in your taxes and are in good standing with the City
• The sale process is terminated if you are not in good standing with the City of Milwaukee
• You will be provided an offer to purchase to complete, sign and return
• Any outstanding charges on the property must be cleared
• A date will be set for you to close on the property at the Title Company's office 
• You must provide a cashier's check or money order for the lot purchase
• After closing the recorded deed will be mailed to you within two weeks


Contact Us

Real Estate
809 North Broadway
Milwaukee, WI 53202 

Tess Wynn
(414) 286-5838
[email protected]



$1 Vacant Side Lot

Sideyard graphic




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