Fair Share Program
About the Program
Every year, property owners in the City of Milwaukee pay property taxes that fund our schools, repair our roads and otherwise keep our local government functioning. While all Milwaukeeans benefit from many municipal services, not all Milwaukee property owners are obligated to fund government services.
Local tax exempt institutions, such as areas of worship, cultural institutions, educational institutions, hospitals, libraries, sports and entertainment facilities, rehabilitation facilities, and others are, often times, not required to pay property taxes. Although these institutions partake in a vital role of our society, the resulting burden due to thousands of tax exempt parcels falls on the shoulders of taxable Milwaukee property owners.
Ultimately, it would be beneficial for Milwaukee taxpayers if our local tax exempt institutions participated by giving their fair share for services provided by the City of Milwaukee. This would not only relieve a great burden from the tax payers of Milwaukee, but it would provide our city with the necessary funds to continue to keep Milwaukee a great place to call home.
The Tax Payers Need Your Help
The City of Milwaukee has created the Fair Share Program in an effort to facilitate the process of local tax exempt organizations making a fair share contribution for services rendered. This program gives tax exempt institutions an opportunity to help Milwaukee tax payers by offsetting the local tax burden via a Payment in Lieu of Taxes or a PILOT agreement.
As a result of these fair share contributions, the City is in a better position to provide services the tax-exempt organizations have come to rely upon. Fair share contributions will help support local services like Milwaukee Fire Department, Milwaukee Police Department, local road construction, snow removal service, and many other services that the city provides to its residents. Tax exempt institutions can make a positive impact on the continued delivery of quality city services by starting to make a contribution in lieu of taxes part of their annual financial plan.
Let’s Work Together!
All institutions owning tax-exempt property are asked to participate in this program in a way that is fair and affordable to the institution.
Typically, the requested fair share contribution would amount to one-quarter to one-third of what would have been the total tax bill for the property.
Nonprofit organizations can receive up to a 50% credit on their fair share for qualifying community programming that uniquely benefits Milwaukee residents.
Nonprofit organizations can receive a credit for any real estate taxes paid on non-exempt use of a property.
The Fair Share Program is a voluntary program. (link to fair share program details)