Office of African American Affairs
Affordable land and leasing costs, abundant fresh water, an educated workforce, low business costs and easy access to financing, technical assistance and efficient transportation have helped local businesses succeed and grow.
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Department of Neighborhood Services
New permit fees are effective January 1, 2025. These fees were adopted by the Common Council on November 8, 2024, and the complete ordinance text can be read here. The permit and review fees of MCO Chapter 200-33, and other chapters, have been updated in the Code of Ordinances, here. Plans submitted after January 1, 2025, are subject to the new fees, and permits fees assessed after January 1, 2025, are calculated using the new fee schedule.
The Permit and Development Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM. Payments are accepted in-person until 4:00 PM each day, and may be made via LMS at any time. Follow this link for more information on making online payments.
In-person plan review services are available for certain plan types all days except Wednesday. Appointments are available through Qless online check-in system. Complex projects must request review appointments. Simple projects may request appointments or receive same-day service in our “fast track” queues. Please review our guide to what projects are in the fast track queues and which require an appointment for plans examiner. You may make an appointment in advance or join the same day-queue via Qless. You may always submit your application into LMS ahead of or instead of in-person review.
Watch our video and learn How to Pull a Permit. Our Development Center team will walk you through the process step-by-step. Learn helpful tips & tricks and where to go for more info.
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Learn more about home updates that do not require a permit and link to helpful resources, energy programs and incentive programs you can use to rehab your property.
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Illegal dumping is a burden to residents and a blight on our beautiful city. Don't let illegal dumping ruin your neighborhood. Report it and you could be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.
Through the enforcement of Building, Zoning, Fire, Environmental, Property Maintenance and other ordinances, DNS protects the value of investments in neighborhoods and commercial properties and supports community goals of building safe and healthy neighborhoods and increasing investment and economic vitality throughout the City.
The City of Milwaukee adopts the the State of Wisconsin Building Code for Residential and Commercial Structures. The Permit & Development Center is located at 809 N. Broadway, first floor. Our hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., but will not schedule appointments on Wednesdays.
If you require an inspector to make an inspection related to a permit or a complaint investigation, you will need to make an appointment. Click on your preferred section below to see a list of inspections conducted and who to call.
The Department of Neighborhood Services offers a variety of programs to assist homeowners, renters, landlords and community groups to improve both properties and neighborhoods.
DNS and the City of Milwaukee offer a variety of resources, incentives and information to help residents research or improve their properties.
Zeidler Municipal Building, 41 N. Broadway, Room 104, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM
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