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Department of City Development
This overlay zone adds design and building placement standards over and above those required by the base zoning district. These standards are intended to provide improved buffers, pedestrian and vehicular access, and neighborhood compatibility and transition.
The specific purposes of the development incentive overlay zone are to: A) Provide opportunities to create new development projects which are more compatible with existing development on adjacent sites. B) Create a pedestrian-friendly environment in both design and scale. C) Encourage creativity, variety and excellence in project design and layout. D) Utilize a development review and approval process that meets these purposes without causing undue delays.
The Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone (NC) is intended to provide a vehicle to initiate and implement programs for the revitalization or conservation of older areas or districts possessing distinctive features, identity, or character worthy of retention and enhancement.
This overlay zone allows the use of different sign regulations in place of or in addition to the sign regulations of the base zoning district for the purpose of allowing overall flexibility in the in the application of sign regulations for larger, multi-tenant sites that may front on more than one street or have large street frontages, yet encouraging consistence of sign design within the overlay zone.
The interim study overlay zone is intended to allow discretionary review of development proposals in areas where changes in zoning provisions are contemplated or under study.
The lakefront overlay zone is established to accommodate a wide variety of public and quasi-public facilities providing recreational and cultural opportunities and supporting services that require lakefront sites.
The purposes of the flood plain overlay zones are to identify flood-prone areas in the city with respect to establishing corrective and preventive measures to reduce flood damage and alerting the public to flood-related hazards it may face in such areas.
Check a Property's Floodplain Status
[email protected] 414-286-5714
For information on permits and zoning letters please contact the Department of Neighborhood Services.
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