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Welcome to DCD

Building a Stronger Milwaukee

Welcome to the Department of City Development. We promote an atmosphere where jobs can be created, neighborhoods can flourish, tourism can be maximized, and families can realize their dreams.

About Us

The mission of the Department of City Development (DCD) is to improve the quality of life in Milwaukee by guiding and promoting development that creates jobs, builds wealth and strengthens the urban environment, and at the same time respects equity, economy and ecology.

City Real Estate

The City of Milwaukee offers a variety of properties for sale, including fully rehabilitated homes, tax-foreclosed buildings, vacant lots, surplus municipal facilities and brownfield properties suitable for redevelopment. 

Plans & Studies

The City prepares plans and studies which guide development in individual neighborhoods; these documents include neighborhood redevelopment and action plans.


The Department of City Development works with multiple partners to implement projects around the City of Milwaukee. Learn more about what projects we're currently working on.

Housing Resources

The City of Milwaukee offers a variety of resources and incentive programs to help current homeowners, home buyers, investors and non-profit organizations.

Opportunity Zones

The City of Milwaukee is ready to assist investors interested in Milwaukee Opportunity Zones. This federal program rewards investment in designated economically challenged communities by providing favorable treatment of the investor's capital gains taxes. 

Business Resources

We believe the advantage of doing business in Milwaukee is that we offer the power of partnerships to maximize the opportunities to grow businesses. That's why we've assembled a toolbox of resources designed to jump-start a new business, expand an existing company,and support business relocation. 

Commissioner Lafayette L. Crump 

Lafayette L. Crump, Commissioner 


 809 North Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202 




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