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Design Review

Design Review Team

The Planning Division leads the Design Review Team, which reviews proposed developments in most Overlay Zones, in Planned Development Districts, and in other specialized boundaries. Planning may also review projects that involve City-owned property, City financial assistance or are seeking approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Design Review Team meets weekly and is composed of staff from Planning, as well as representatives from other DCD sections. The team reviews proposed developments and creates responses to help improve and guide design development of projects.

Historic Preservation Commission

If your property is located within a historic district, it is subject review from the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) which and issues Certificates of Appropriatness. HPC staff is housed within the City Clerks's Office.

Architectural Review Boards

There are two Architerual Review Boards (ARB) in the City of Milwaukee. ARBs are independent of DCD and review projects in certain specific areas:

For More Information

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For information on permits and zoning letters please contact the Department of Neighborhood Services.

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