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Boards & Commissions

City Plan Commission

The City Plan Commission (CPC) advises the Common Council on a variety of issues including zoning map changes, revisions in the zoning ordinance, subdivision approvals, business improvement districts, street and alley vacations, public land disposition and acquisition, new streets and the approval of development plans in certain overlay districts.

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Fourth of July Commission

Since 1911, the City of Milwaukee has provided its citizens, neighbors and visitors a safe and friendly celebration of America’s independence.  In parks throughout the city, families and friends gather for picnics, games, doll buggy parades and talent contests. At night the sky is filled with fireworks bursting all over town.


Housing Authority

The Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) has been a national leader in housing for over 60 years. HACM provides innovative affordable housing choices to over 10,000 Milwaukee families and works to assist them in achieving self-sufficiency through a wide range of economic, health and social services.


Milwaukee Arts Board

The Milwaukee Arts Board (MAB) was created to enhance the development, cultural diversity, accessibility and enjoyment of the arts for Milwaukee's citizens.



Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation(MEDC)

The Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) serves Milwaukee businesses by providing low-interest loans.


Neighborhood Improvement Development Corp. (NIDC)

NIDC works with City departments, community-based agencies, financial institutions, developers, local foundations, and most importantly, residents, to improve Milwaukee’s neighborhoods.

Redevelopment Authority

The mission of the Redevelopment Authority is to eliminate blighting conditions that inhibit neighborhood reinvestment, to foster and promote business expansion and job creation, and to facilitate new business and housing development.

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