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What Can You Do With a Vacant Lot?

If you buy or lease a vacant lot from the City of Milwaukee, here’s what you can do.

Expand Your Yard: Make it Bigger and Better
$1 Vacant Side Lot
Start a Community Garden
Create a Play Area for Children
Create Gathering Space for Neighbors
Create a New Green Space or Small Park
Build Something: A House, A Shed, or A Structure
Do an "Infill" Project: Residential or Commercial
Add Value to an Existing Use
Start an Outdoor Market in a Commercial District


To get more information on these topics, call or go to:

Map Milwaukee (find available properties)

City Real Estate

City of Milwaukee Permit Center

Neighborhood Improvement Development Corp.

Milwaukee Urban Gardens/Groundwork Milwaukee

City of Milwaukee Department of City Development


Contact Us

Real Estate
809 North Broadway
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Tess Wynn
(414) 286-5838
[email protected]


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Handbook offers ideas for creative use of vacant land

With the help of many dedicated citizens and professionals, the Department of City Development has put together this handbook of creative reuse strategies for city-owned vacant land in Milwaukee. This handbook provides a number of practical ideas to residents and community groups interested in turning city-owned vacant lots into community assets that add value to neighborhoods, strengthen bonds between neighbors and make the city a better place to live.

Read the City of Milwaukee Vacant Lot Handbook

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