Office of African American Affairs
Affordable land and leasing costs, abundant fresh water, an educated workforce, low business costs and easy access to financing, technical assistance and efficient transportation have helped local businesses succeed and grow.
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Department of City Development
Milwaukee's Comprehensive Plan consists of a Citywide Policy Plan and Area Plans. The Comprehensive Plan is the cornerstone of all local land use decisions. The Plans provide a community-based framework for investment, a guide for public and private decision-making and coordinating initiatives for many different groups.
The City of Milwaukee utilizes E-Notify to provide notice to any interested parties about proposed changes to the Area Plans that make up the City of Milwaukee’s Comprehensive Plan. Please click here to find your Area Plan and then sign up to receive E-Notify notifications for your plan area.
The City prepares plans and studies which guide development in individual neighborhoods; these documents include neighborhood redevelopment and action plans.
To complement the Comprehensive Plan, DCD develops a wide range of planning and policy documents. In addition to those listed below, the link above contains an archival list of DCD Planning plans and studies.
A Redevelopment Plan is a guiding document, approved by the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (RACM) and the Common Council, in accordance with the State of Wisconsin’s blighted area law. This document creates a boundary, goals and requirements for the specific geographic area. These goals and requirements may include numerous issues such as blight designation, property acquisition, land use planning and design requirements. Below is a sample of recent, but not all plans.
Design Guidelines are intended to provide urban design principles with details, standards, illustrations, and examples that promote high quality, context sensitive, sustainable, market-competitive, and traditional neighborhood designs. The information includes elements that are required by zoning, and other information that highlights best practices. They seek to sustain, restore and enhance the livability, character, and stability of Milwaukee’s neighborhoods.
809 N. Broadway, 2nd floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202
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