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NIDC Targeted Investment Neighborhoods (TINs) 

TIN Curb Appeal Program:        Program Brochure              Program Application
Programa de Verano de Mejoras para el Hogar:  Folleto de informacion       Solicitud en Español

The Targeted Investment Neighborhood (TIN) initiative is designed to sustain and increase owner-occupancy, provide high quality affordable rental housing, strengthen property values, and improve the physical appearance and quality of life of neighborhoods. TINs focus resources for three years on a small area, generally six to twelve city blocks.

Bricks and mortar are just a part of what’s needed to improve neighborhoods. NIDC’s TIN program works with residents to improve the quality of life in their neighborhood. NIDC’s Community Outreach Coordinator is a liaison between the neighborhood and City departments. Staff also provides assistance with community-building and outreach.

TIN resources are available ONLY in certain neighborhoods.
Click here for a complete list and maps of the TIN areas

TIN Program Brochure

Folleto de Información Programa TIN

NIDC offers two primary forms of assistance in the TINs:

TIN Loan Program - Home Rehabilitation

For Owner-Occupants
The Home Rehabilitation-TIN Loan Program offers forgivable, low-interest, and deferred payment rehab loans to income-qualified owner-occupants in a TIN. Interest rates and terms are tied to income and family size.

Homeowners are eligible for up to a $15,000 forgivable loan provided it is matched at least 1 for 1 with a payback or deferred payment loan provided through the TIN loan program.  The $15,000 forgivable loan turns into a grant (i.e. is forgiven) after 5 years.  Program guidelines apply. Program priorities

  • Exterior repairs such as roofing, siding, porch repairs
  • Lead paint abatement including replacement windows
  • Energy conservation
  • Plumbing, electrical, heating
  • Kitchen, bath, and other rehab projects are possible

The property must meet building code requirements upon completion of the rehab.

Income Guidelines
(Effective April 1st, 2024 until next update)
Eligibility is limited to clients with household income no greater than:

Household Size Household
Household Size Household
1 $57,200 5 $88,250
2 $65,400 6 $94,800
3 $73,550 7 $101,350
4 $81,700 8 $107,850

Technical Assistance
Experienced rehabilitation specialists perform a thorough inspection of the property, identifying problem areas. The rehab specialist works with the homeowner to write a scope of work (a list of the work that needs to be done) and then helps owners get bids from contractors. Once the work starts, the rehab specialist makes periodic inspections to make sure the work meets program requirements.


TIN Loan Program - Rental Rehabilitation

For responsible investor-owners
The Rental Rehab-TIN Loan Program offers forgivable loans for rehabilitating rental properties located in a TIN, to owners who currently live in the TIN neighborhood. Generally units must have at least 2 bedrooms to qualify.

Loan Terms
Provided they meet other program requirements, landlords are eligible for forgivable loans of up to $14,999 per unit. The loans bear no interest rate, and after 5 years they are forgiven.

The owner must provide at least one matching dollar for each Rental Rehab dollar received. For example, the owner of a duplex would be eligible for up to $29,998 through the Rental Rehab program as long as the landlord invests at least $29,998 of his or her own funds into the project (bank loan, cash, etc). The landlord is required to spend his/her money first.

NIDC works only with responsible investor-owners, who currently live in the TIN neighborhood . Applicants must submit a Landlord Training Certificate from the Department of Neighborhood Services (DNS.)  For further information, contact DNS at 414-286-2954 or visit the website above.

We also check to make sure landlords are current with property taxes on all owned properties in the City and that they have a good record with the Department of Neighborhood Services (Building Inspection).

Program priorities

  • Exterior repairs such as roofing, siding, porch repairs
  • Lead paint abatement including replacement windows
  • Energy conservation
  • Plumbing, electrical, heating
  • Kitchen, bath, and other rehab projects are possible

The property must meet building code requirements upon completion of the rehab. In addition, the property must pass periodic re-inspections over a 5-year period.

Tenant Income Guidelines (effective04/01/2024 until next update) and Rent Limits (06/01/2024)
Landlords must provide annual re-certification of tenants’ income, and monthly rents.
Under most circumstances, income of tenants in units to be rehabilitated cannot exceed:

Family Size Income Limit Family Size Income Limit
1 $42,900 4 $61,260
2 $49,020 5 $66,180
3 $55,140 6 $71,100


Maximum allowable rents

Bedrooms Maximum Rent
4 $1,425.00



Rents limits assume landlord pays water, sewer, trash and snow and ice removal.
(Note that rent limits are lower for 20% of units in a project of 5 or more units.)

Technical Assistance
The standards for the Rental Rehab Program are high. Experienced rehabilitation specialists perform a thorough inspection of the property, identifying problem areas. The rehab specialist works with the owner to write a scope of work (a list of the work that needs to be done) and then helps the owner get bids from contractors. Once the work starts, the rehab specialist makes periodic inspections to make sure the work meets program requirements.

Things you should know:

  1. Your real estate taxes must be current or paid in full.  If you are on the installment plan, you can't be delinquent.
  2. We will look at the amount of mortgage debt you have against
    your property.
  3. We will order a credit report and will review your credit history.
  4. If you have declared bankruptcy, your bankruptcy must be discharged 12 months prior to your application.  You should have a satisfactory credit history since the discharge.
  5. If you have received previous loans from NIDC or the City of Milwaukee, your application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

 Last page update:  06/01/2024

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 809 North Broadway, 3rd Floor , Milwaukee, WI 53202

 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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