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Request for Proposals - 401 W Wisconsin

Premiere Transit-Oriented Development Opportunity

on a Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee-owned parcel in the heart of Downtown Milwaukee

The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) is excited to present this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for an unprecedented transit-oriented development opportunity in the City of Milwaukee, and one of the most unique transit-oriented development opportunities in the Midwest.  

The approximately 55,626 SF parcel is located in the heart of downtown Milwaukee, on Milwaukee's main thoroughfare, Wisconsin Avenue.  Directly to the north of the site is the proposed Vel R. Phillips Plaza, which, when open in 2024, will include a 2,900 SF building for food/beverage service, a stop for the East-West Bus Rapid Transit line along Wisconsin Avenue opening in 2023 and a future stop for Milwaukee’s streetcar system The Hop.  

This high visibility and high traffic site are situated directly across the street from the Baird Center (Wisconsin’s largest convention center), the Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel, and Fiserv Inc’s global headquarters and a Kohl’s Department Store, both opening in 2023.  The site is also nearby catalytic locations including Fiserv Forum and the Deer District, Milwaukee Tool’s new downtown office location and the Marquette University campus.  

Now is the time to develop this key parcel in downtown Milwaukee. 


DCD rendering of potential development scenario on the site.

Aerial View_401 West WI
Currrent photo of potential downtown development site at 401-441 W. Wisconsin Ave.

Rendering_401 West WI
Rendering of a conceptual development on the site.



Submit in writing to Dan Casanova, Senior Economic Development Specialist for RACM.


View 4th & WI RFP - PDF


Questions, Changes and Clarifications:

Question: The permanent easement for the streetcar route (referenced in the second to last bullet point on page 9), states that there must be 36 feet of clearance. Is that required for the entirety of the easement area?

Answer: The 36-foot clearance number was included because of the possibility of using an overhead wire to power the streetcar through the easement area. However, it has since been determined that the streetcar will possibly be operated by battery through this easement area. If the system goes off-wire, a charging bar would be required at the streetcar stop with a 30-foot clearance at the stop location. The remainder of the easement area will likely require a 20-foot clearance.

Supporting Documents:

April 16, 2018 Wisconsin Center District Letter

Appraisal Report

Final Case Closure Letter

GIS Registry Packet

RACM Project Summary and Public Disclosure Statement

Site Investigation Summary Report and Remedial Action Plan

Additional market information can be found on Milwaukee Downtown’s website

Complete buyer policies

Applicable chapter of the zoning code

Office of Small Business Development

Westown Design Guidelines

The Milwaukee Streetcar

Bus Rapid Transit and Local Busses

Bublr Bikeshare

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