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Equitable Growth Through Transit Oriented Development

Moving Milwaukee Forward offers a new neighborhood framework for attracting investment, enhancing connectivity and reinforcing neighborhood identity through the future expansion of the Milwaukee Streetcar system to Historic Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive (King Drive) and to Walker's Point, extending investment from Downtown into these neighborhoods.

The Milwaukee Streetcar, named the Hop, began operations in the Fall of 2018 and will initially serve a 2.9 mile route through Downtown Milwaukee, including connecting to Milwaukee’s Lakefront. The City of Milwaukee is evaluating potential extensions of the Hop that would travel north out of Downtown, through the Milwaukee Bucks Arena District, and along King Drive to North Avenue and Bronzeville, and south into Walker's Point and the Harbor District. This extension would better connect the neighborhoods to the job opportunities, entertainment venues, and transit connections in downtown.

The City of Milwaukee, the Historic King Drive Business Improvement District, Harbor District Inc., and the Walker's Point Association created this Equitable Growth through Transit Oriented Development Plan as a roadmap for development along the proposed streetcar extension to ensure that new development reflects the community’s desires and brings an array of housing, shopping, and recreational options that meet the needs of current residents.


Below are links to the final reports for both study areas and their executive summaries.


Click here to hear more about the study and what it means to residents and stakeholders.


Potential Improvements to 1st Street with Streetcar Extension

Potential Improvements to King Drive with Streetcar Extension

 809 N. Broadway, 2nd floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 




Monica Wauck Smith, Project Manager

(414) 286-5613



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