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City of Milwaukee Weekly COVID-19 Update

MILWAUKEE – The disease burden in the City of Milwaukee this week is 177.4 new positive COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people over seven days and remains in the “extreme transmission” category. The percentage of positive COVID-19 test results is 13.9% and remains in the “extreme transmission” category. Additionally, based on U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, Milwaukee County remains in the Medium COVID-19 Community Level.

Currently, 65% of city of Milwaukee adults 16 years and older are fully vaccinated, and 49.7% of fully vaccinated individuals have received a booster dose. Of children ages 5 to 11, 20.9% have completed their pediatric COVID-19 vaccine series and 25.2% have received at least one dose.

The importance of vaccinating children against COVID-19 remains crucial, especially as parents and caregivers start looking toward protecting their children in the upcoming school year. Both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines require multiple doses spaced weeks apart:

  • Children 6 months – 4 years old:
    • Pfizer: Three-dose primary series. First and second doses spaced three weeks apart. Third dose separated by an additional eight weeks.
    • Moderna: Two-dose primary series, spaced four weeks apart
  • Children 5 – 17 years old:
    • Pfizer: Two-dose primary series, spaced three weeks apart
    • Moderna: Two-dose primary series, spaced four weeks apart

To ensure children are protected against COVID-19 before the start of the school year, parents and caregivers should prioritize vaccination as soon as possible. The COVID-19 vaccines can be safely administered concurrently with other required childhood immunizations. The COVID-19 vaccination sites at the Northwest Health Center and Southside Health Center have COVID-19 and routine childhood immunizations available for everyone 6 months and older with no appointment necessary. Locations and hours of operation for Milwaukee Health Department COVID-19 sites available at Milwaukee.gov/COVIDvax.

On Monday, July 11, the Milwaukee Health Department is hosting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum (929 E. Wisconsin Ave.) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Both Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines and boosters will be available to anyone 6 months of age and older with no appointment. Anyone receiving a vaccine under the age of 18 must have parent or guardian consent. Additionally, anyone vaccinated at this clinic will receive free admission to the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum on that day, with the presentation of their vaccination card.


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