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Immunizations for Adults

Where can I go to get immunizations?

The City of Milwaukee Health Department offers immunizations to adults who do not have insurance or who have insurance that does not cover vaccinations. For locations and hours, please see our web page:http://city.milwaukee.gov/clinics

How do I know if I need immunizations?

You can call and speak with a Public Health Nurse to see if immunizations are needed. Call (414) 286-8620, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Can I get a copy of immunizations I received?

Yes. You can call (414) 286-8034 or (414) 286-8620 if you need a copy of your immunization records.

Where can I get more information on immunizations?

Please see our web page at: http://city.milwaukee.gov/immunizations.  Links to other resources can also be found on this page.

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