You may qualify if:
- You live in Wisconsin.
- You are pregnant, breastfeeding, or a new mother.
- You have an infant or children under the age of five.
- You or your children have a health or nutrition need
- Your household income (before taxes) is less than or equal to WIC income guidelines. Visit the Wisconsin WIC website for current income eligibility information.
- You could be income eligible for WIC if you currently receive kinship Care, W2, Food Stamps, or Medicaid including Healthy Start. You may be income-eligible for WIC even if food stamp benefits have been canceled.
Call the WIC Program nearest you. You may check your local directory for the public health or WIC office in your area or call 1-800-642-7837 for assistance in locating a WIC clinic near you. You can also find information by clicking here for the Wisconsin WIC site. For the City of Milwaukee Health Department WIC clinic locations and times, click here and look for "WIC" in the left-hand column for each clinic listing.
The WIC Program uses the same income criteria as reduced-price school lunches. Fathers, guardians, or foster parents may apply for WIC for their infants and children.
- Greater variety and quantity of WIC foods
- Certification up to the first year of the baby’s life
- Breastfeeding education and support provided by trained breastfeeding experts and peer counselors
- Assistance with obtaining a breast pump, if needed
Breastfeeding Education and Peer Support
Hug Your Baby
Ready Set Baby
WIC Breastfeeding Support
Meet MHD's Peer Counselors