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Emergency Preparedness and Response

The City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) plays an important role in protecting the health of the metropolitan Milwaukee community. The department actively plans and prepares for public health emergencies in conjunction with law enforcement, emergency management, healthcare providers, and other community partners to ensure a coordinated and effective response. 

Join us on a 12-month journey to be fully prepared for any emergency!

From power outages to injuries, emergencies can happen anytime, and being prepared is the best way to stay safe. By dedicating just a small amount of time each month, you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way.



Emergency Preparedness Materials

The brochures below have been prepared by MHD to help Milwaukee-area citizens prepare for various emergency conditions. Please click on the brochures you are interested in to read and/or print them out.

When an emergency happens, it is important to be prepared. Create a portable Home Emergency Preparedness Kit to take with you if you suddenly have to leave your home or need to take shelter during a power outage or storm. Download the Emergency Preparedness Kit checklist and complete the Family Emergency Plan. Keep a printed copy of the plan in your preparedness kit so it's ready during an emergency. Update your kit every 6 months; remember to replace any expired / outdated items.

Download, fill out, and print


It is important to have a record of your most vital medical information available in case of an emergency. This plan is intended to guide medical responders in assisting you during an emergency or natural disaster. Download and complete the Emergency Health Care Plan, and keep a printed copy in your Home Emergency Preparedness Kit. Update this form every six months or when there is a change in your health status / condition(s).

Download, fill out, and print


It is important to have a record of your most vital medical information available in case of an emergency. This plan is intended to guide medical responders in assisting you during an emergency or natural disaster. Download and complete the Medical Emergency Wallet Card, and keep a printed copy in your wallet or purse at all times. Keep an extra printed copy in your Home Emergency Preparedness Kit, and update your wallet card every six months or when there is a change in your health status / condition(s).

Download, fill out, and print


It is important that your child is prepared for an emergency. Download and Complete a Backpack Emergency Card to make sure you, your child, and your child's school can be contacted quickly. Print out the card, cut around the dotted line, fold in half, and keep the card in your child’s backpack at all times. Make this card part of an emergency planning family night!

Download, fill out, and print (Single Card)

Download, fill out, and print (3 cards)

General Preparedness Links

Ready America Website

Here you can find information on being prepared at home, at school, and for all types of disasters.  Learn how to protect and prepare you and your family by visiting www.Ready.gov, where you will find information on making preparedness checklists, plans, and kits, and addressing special populations, including older persons, and persons with disabilities.These websites are also helpful and informative:

Volunteer and Government Agencies

Emergency Preparedness

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