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Home Environmental Health (HEH)

The environments where our children live, learn, and play are crucial to their health and future. Protecting them from lead exposure is essential to their safe and healthy development.

The City of Milwaukee Health Department’s (MHD) Home Environmental Health (HEH) program is dedicated to reducing exposure to harmful substances, such as those found in aging homes, where lead paint can be a hidden danger. On this page, you will find resources that help you identify potential environmental hazards and provide guidance on protecting your family’s health.

For MPS Families and Staff: Up-to-date information, records, and resources on lead risks in MPS schools. 

The City of Milwaukee Health Department will continue sharing these documents as they become available


For Contractors

Home Environmental Health Dashboard

View lead program information and data by year, permits issued, and more. 

View HEH Dashboard

Data and Reports

Find MHD childhood lead poisoning prevalence and testing data.

Forms and Questionnaires

Contact Us

 Zeidler Municipal Building, Room 118, Milwaukee, WI 53202 

 414-286-2165  |    414-286-0382


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