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Family and Community Health (FCH)

The City of Milwaukee Health Department's Family and Community Health (FCH) programs provide home visiting, health access, nutrition, health education, pre/post-natal, and community outreach services—supporting families impacted by high infant mortality as well as health, social, and economic disparities.

Home Visiting Programs

The City of Milwaukee Health Department offers three different home visiting programs to meet the unique needs of our communities, with a focus on improving prenatal, birth, and infant outcomes.

WIC - Women, Infants & Children

Woman Breastfeeding

The WIC Program is a supplemental nutrition program for eligible women, infants, and children; promoting the health and well-being of families.

Community Healthcare Access Program (CHAP)

Paper cutout family in hands

The CHAP program works with city of Milwaukee residents to determine their options for free or low-cost health insurance, Foodshare, and childcare and coordinates referrals to other community resources as needed. 

Strong Baby Title V Program 

Mom Baby

The program focuses on six areas: Breastfeeding, Developmental Screening, Health Equity, Perinatal Depression, and Adolescent Suicide. It offers training and education to improve practices and raise awareness among Milwaukee’s community groups, healthcare providers, childcare facilities, schools, and family support organizations.

Cribs 4 Kids 

Baby Crib

The Cribs 4 Kids program provides Safe Sleep Educational Classes to pregnant mothers 34 weeks and beyond or who have children under six months of age to qualify for receipt of a Pack N’ Play upon completion of the class. Hours of operation are available on the Clinic website.

Newborn Screening - Congenital Disorders

Baby Feet in Hands

A newborn baby can look healthy but have a serious disorder that cannot be seen. If not treated, these disorders can lead to slow growth, blindness, brain damage, or possibly death. Early treatment can help prevent these serious problems. 

Newborn Screening - Hearing

Doc Baby Exam

Newborns in Wisconsin are screened shortly after birth for 48 disorders, including hearing loss, to identify potential issues early. Early detection is crucial, as hearing problems can delay speech and language development. Screening early ensures that your baby receives the support needed for optimal growth and development.

City of Milwaukee Health Department

Family and Community Health Division




Make a Referral

Do you know someone who is interested in signing up for these programs? Fill out and submit the Home Visiting Interest and Referral Form or reach out to the City of Milwaukee Health Department's Central Intake and Referral line at (414) 286-8620 for more information.


Home Visiting Interest and Referral Form

Call us! (414) 286-8620

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