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Captain Daniel Thompson

Captain Thompson has 28 years serving the City of Milwaukee within the Police Department. In his tenure, he worked as an officer in patrol, the Gang Intelligence Unit, the Vice Squad – undercover drug investigations. In 1997, was selected to the Milwaukee County Metro Drug Unit. In 1999, was promoted to detective and was assigned to Violent Crimes Unit and Arsons. He was selected to be a member of the Hazardous Devices Unit. In 2001 was assigned to HIDTA (High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area). Worked at HIDTA for six years and in 2007 was assigned to the Homicide Unit. In 2012, transferred to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and worked there until promoted to Lieutenant in 2015.

As a Lieutenant, was assigned to the Intelligence Fusion Division as a second shift commander in charge of the Real-Time Event Center and also the Director of STAC (Southeastern Threat Analysis Center), which is one of 79 federally, recognized Fusion Centers. Was a team leader as a Homicide Lieutenant before promotion to Captain in 2018. Captain Thompson is currently the Hazardous Devices Commander, the Director of STAC, and the Unit Commander of NIBIN, Video Analytics, Jail Intelligence, Open Source Investigations, Real-Time Event Center, and the Tactical Analysis Unit, which is generating cutting edge Social network analysis products that provides actionable intelligence for daily field operations.

In addition, Captain Thompson has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Administration from Concordia University. He is a Certified Professional Manager (Institute of Certified Professional Managers) and a Certified Public Manager graduate from the Wisconsin Command College (expected graduation date of June 2019).

Captain Daniel Thomson

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