2022 Annual Report
Message from the Chief

Greetings Milwaukeeans,
As a lifelong resident of the City of Milwaukee and a public servant, l am truly honored to serve my community, the dedicated men and women of the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD), and the City of Milwaukee.
In 2022, the city continued to reopen and evolve post-covid. The city resumed festivals and schools transitioned back to in-person learning. MPD was able to resume many of our community outreach efforts and implemented several new programs and initiatives in partnership with community members, stakeholders, city leaders, businesses and organizations.
In 2022, the City of Milwaukee saw a 15% decline from 2021 in overall “Part I Crime.” Despite this, homicides increased 11% and non-fatal shootings increased 1% after reaching historic levels in 2020 and 2021 while carjackings increased 7%. Many key crime categories plateaued or decreased in 2022.
The Traffic Safety Unit (TSU) was created in 2021, to combat reckless driving through High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) as a universal traffic safety approach designed to create deterrence and change unlawful traffic behaviors. In 2022, the unit continued its work to reduce the amount of reckless driving, speeding and vehicular crashes occurring in the City of Milwaukee. TSU issued 13,488 citations, 7,415 of these were for speeding with 3,709 of those being for speeds 20-24 mph over the posted speed limit. Through the TSU website, MPDTSU.org, we ask the community to be a part of the solution and report reckless driving locations directly to our analysts so we can better tailor our deployments.
There are numerous new partnerships and initiatives either recently implemented or in the process to be implemented soon. MPD has established police-community relations as one of its highest priorities, intent on keeping the community informed of its efforts, being held accountable and engaging in a collaborative process to collectively make Milwaukee better. In 2022, MPD created the position of community engagement manager to strategically drive and improve police-community relations with a focus on building trust and legitimacy with the community that we serve.
In partnership with the Community Collaborative Commission, the Office of Violence Prevention, the Fire & Police Commission and the Mayers Strategic Solution, LLC, MPD is actively working to create a process to re-imagine public safety by developing a citywide community oriented policing plan. Monthly Public Safety Listening Sessions held in each Aldermanic District help us receive community input as to what we are doing right and what we can improve upon. The solution driven discussions are a key component to the development of this effective and comprehensive community-oriented policing plan. Members of the community can sign up and attend these sessions at MKEPDPIO.org.
I have faith as a community we can work together to overcome the many challenges we are facing. We can combat crime through accountability, fairness, positive open relationships and integrity. I envision a police department that works in a humane way with each other and all members of our community. I am committed to reducing violent crime and hope for a great 2023. The Milwaukee Police Department is committed to working with
our community and system partners to continue to build sustainable healthy neighborhoods, free of crime and maintained by positive relationships. We are better together.
Chief of Police
Jeffrey B. Norman
Download the 2022 Report