2025 WHEDA Low Income Housing Tax Credit Applications
***This site will be updated to reflect 2025 deadlines and required information - please check back in late 2024/early 2025***
In order to be responsive to developers submitting requests for zoning and comprehensive plan verification letters for their applications for low income housing tax credits, as well as to provide thoughtful consideration of all requests, the City of Milwaukee has a review process for all applications being submitted to WHEDA for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.
Requests for supporting documentation must be submitted using this form (not yet available - check back in late 2024/early 2025) with all required information attached. Digital copies of the completed form and submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Hard copies are not necessary.
Note: The deadline for requesting letters for the 9% and 4% applications will likely be mid-February 2025.
If your proposal to WHEDA includes any City of Milwaukee-owned real estate or Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee-owned properties, you will need a letter of site control for your Project Concept submission. The Department of City Development will not issue a letter of Site Control for any properties without approval of the Common Council. If you have questions regarding City-owned real estate for a WHEDA application, please email Dave Misky, DCD's Real Estate Director, at [email protected]. For all other real estate questions, please call 414-286-5730.
As an additional resource to reference, below is a video of an informal question and answer session that the Dept. of City Development held in October 2020 to provide an opportunity for people to ask questions regarding the request form or informaton that the City is requesting in order to provide you with your verification letters.
Helpful links: