Supporting Projects
Menomonee Valley Riverwalk Designs Underway
In July 2017, Milwaukee’s Common Council approved proposals for a design overlay to extend the Milwaukee Riverwalk along the Menomonee River in the Valley, a major recommendation and catalytic project outlined in the Valley 2.0 Plan. The Menomonee Valley Riverwalk Overlay reserves 25 feet along the Menomonee River for a future Valley Riverwalk as redevelopment occurs. The riverwalk would begin at the existing segment in the Third Ward where the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers meet and extend about two miles west to Three Bridges Park.
The overlay district will ensure redevelopment projects are compatible and integrated with their neighbors, more pedestrian friendly in design and scale, and more completely integrated in overall urban design. A continuous system of Riverwalks on both sides of the Menomonee River, connecting with and overlapping the Hank Aaron State Trail will be a great asset and amenity for all.
To view the design guidelines, CLICK here.
Menomonee Valley Sustainable Design Guidelines Updated
In 2004 the Menomonee Valley Partners and the City of Milwaukee established sustainable building design guidelines for new development projects in the Menomonee Valley. Intended primarily for the then newly-created Menomonee Valley Industrial Center , the Sustainable Design Guidelines for the Menomonee Valley were put in place to ensure high-quality redevelopment, environmental sensitivity and energy efficient construction in the Valley. Today, the Menomonee Valley Industrial Center is nearing full capacity and combined with the age of the original guidelines the need for updating them was clear. Approved by the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (RACM) at its September, 2017 meeting, the updated guidelines are applied Valley-wide and required for any new building development or major renovation project receiving financial or land sale assistance from the City of Milwaukee or RACM.
CLICK here for a copy of the Sustainable Design Guidelines and HERE for a Guidelines Evaluation Form for tracking compliance.
For more information about the Menomonee Valley Sustainable Design Guidelines, CLICK here.

Valley Riverwalk Overlay Approved
At its July 11th, 2017 meeting, the Common Council approved the Menomonee Valley Riverwalk Overlay which will use this new zoning designation to "bookmark" the rivers edge along the Menomonee River for a future Valley Riverwalk as redevelopment occurs. This overlay will mark the first expansion of the Milwaukee Riverwalk beyond its original course.
As part of the Valley Riverwalk, Design Standards have been created to guide development along the future Riverwalk system. CLICK here to learn more.
To learn more about the Milwaukee Riverwalk, CLICK here.
The Menomonee Valley 2.0 is the update to the 1998 Menomonee Valley plan, "Market Study, Engineering, and Land Use Plan for the Menomonee Valley. Read the 1998 Valley Plan.
For additional information on Menomonee Valley 2.0, visit the Menomonee Valley Partners.