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District 4 — Alderman Robert Bauman

Cover of Summer 2022 issue of First & Fastest

Magazine publishes Alderman Bauman’s article!

Take a moment to read Alderman Bauman’s article on The Hop (Milwaukee Streetcar) – Developing Rail Transit the Hard Way: The Long and Tortured History of Milwaukee’s Streetcar – published in the Summer 2022 edition of First & Fastest.

Click the image of the magazine cover to read the article.

NOTE: The article appears with permission and courtesy of First & Fastest and Shore Line Interurban Historical Society.


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DCD Homes for Sale 

DCD Homes for Sale

You can purchase a tax-foreclosed city-owned home from the City of Milwaukee, and now there’s now an informative step-by-step instructional video – introduced by DCD Real Estate – that explains how to purchase a city-owned home and how you can access related city resources.

Click the photo to the left for the video.

Deconstruction Ordinance 

Deconstruction Ordinance

Ald. Bauman authored an ordinance that requires deconstruction of older homes which promotes job creation and sustainability.

Click the photo to the left to learn more about discarding of building materials.

Cornell University research paper featuring interview with Ald. Bauman on deconstruction ordinances

TransLoc Rider Application 

TransLoc Rider App

Get real-time streetcar location information by downloading the TransLoc Rider app!

Click the image to the left to learn more.

District 4 Photo Gallery

2018 New IMGS


Alderman Bauman visiting with residents at a Section 8 building, Brewery Point, located at 1244 North 9th Street, for a Black History Program on February 15, 2019.


Foxconn Company Profile

The City of Milwaukee Legislative Reference Bureau completed an analysis in April 2018 on the Foxconn Company, with details about working conditions, environmental record, water usage, public transit, incentives and more, available here.

Tax Incremental Financing Explained

Citizens want to know what it is, how it works and whether it affects property taxes and public services. For a more detailed explanation click here.

STRONG Homes Loan Program

This program is for Milwaukee homeowners looking to tap into $1 million in partially-forgivable loans to fund essential home repairs.  Owner-occupants can apply for loans of up to $20,000 to pay for emergency repairs, essential rehabilitation and code correction orders, with loan interest rates between zero and three percent. Eligible projects include roof replacement, replacement of failing porches and the repair or replacement of deteriorating siding or failing exterior paint. 

Qualifying households must have an income at or below 120 percent of the area median ($84,360 for a family of four). 25 percent of the loan amount will be forgiven if the owner stays in the home for 10 years. Information and applications are available at milwaukee.gov/STRONGloan.

Historic Houses For Sale

The City of Milwaukee currently owns several historic homes and is offering them for sale to the right owner. If you love the scale, details and craftsmanship of an historic home and love to renovate, we may have the perfect house for you. As a bonus, many of the homes listed have had extensive exterior repairs such as new roofs, chimneys and siding. These repairs will make the remaining renovations manageable and the whole project more affordable.

Most of these properties may qualify for Wisconsin Historic Home Owner’s Tax Credits. Additional information is available from the Wisconsin Historical Society.

 Additional Resources and Information

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