Beerline B Redevelopment
In 1999, in cooperation with residents, businesses, and stakeholders, the City completed the Beerline “B” Planning Study - providing a blueprint for the area’s redevelopment as a high quality residential and commercial neighborhood.
Beerline B Redevelopment Plan
Beerline B Regulating Plan
For faster downloading, view by chapter:
1 & 2 |
Preliminaries and Introduction |
3 |
Site Analysis |
4 |
Master Plan and Planning Principles |
5 |
Neighborhood Code |
6 |
Appendices |
7 |
Regulating Plan (Block Map, see below) |
Zoning regulations are found in two locations:
-either the Redevelpment Plan or the Zoning Code's Chapter 4 or 7
RED Beerline B is a zoning district like any other district. It has permitted use, special uses and prohibited uses. It has regulation regarding setbacks and massing as with all other districts. These two areas are covered in the Redevelopment Plan. The district also refers back to the General Provisions Chapter 4 as well. This would apply to signage, landscaping, fencing and other site features.
Background: When the Beerline B Redevelopment Plan was created, the sites in the plan had an underlying zoning of C9B, Downtown Districts. Items not specifically covered by the Development Plan were covered by the C9B regulation. A change occurred when the RED district concept was created. (To learn more, click here) As a detailed form-based regulatory plan was created, the Redevelopment Plan became the zoning. As such, general provision items follow the same standards as would be followed in the C9B District.
Occupancy / Use Regulation for the RED Beerline B District:
See Use Table in Development Code
Signage Regulations in the RED Beerline B District:
See signage requirements for C9B District in Subchapter 7.
Parking Lot Landscaping Regulations, fences and other site features in the RED Beerline B District:
See parking lot landscape requirements for C9B. The Downtown District Subchapter 7 cross reference to the standards found in General Provisions Subchapter 4 for landscaping.
Building Design for the RED Beerline B District:
Including Building Height Ranges Permitted, Street Frontage Build-out Requirements, Setback Ranges, Street Adjacent Uses for Pedestrian Activation, Glazing and other design requirements.
The Redevelopment Plan controls these aspects. Alterations or additions to existing building would need to conform to these requirements, and buildings should move towards conformity if currently non-conforming to this plan.
General Provisions
See Chapter 4 of the zoning code.