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Information on how to request property tax exemption status, including information on eligibility, forms, requirements, and determinations.
Responsibilities for owners of properties for which property tax exempt status has been granted.
Property tax information relevant to churches.
Frequently asked questions regarding property tax exemptions.
Tax exemption request forms. Due March 1st for the year the exemption is sought. The Form PR-230 needs to be completed one time - when the organization is initially applying for exemption. Form for Exemption of Renewable Energy System (PR-303) is also found on this page.
Biennial Exemption Reports (PC-220 or PC-220A) need to be filed in even numbered years by March 31. This form is to be filled out only by currently exempt properties.
Unrelated Business Income Report (PC-227) needs to be filed in even year by March 15. This form is to be filled out only by exempt properties that are taxed in part.
Information for owners of low income housing property. Form PR-231 must be filed annually by March 1.
The City of Milwaukee has created the Fair Share Program in an effort to facilitate the process of local tax exempt organizations making a fair share contribution for services rendered. This program gives tax exempt institutions an opportunity to help Milwaukee tax payers by offsetting the local tax burden via a Payment in Lieu of Taxes or a PILOT agreement.
Guides and information about tax exempt properties and tax exemption determinations.