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2024 Real Property Assessment Information

What to Know About 2024 Milwaukee Property Assessments

The City of Milwaukee Assessor’s Office typically performs a citywide revaluation every year, and has done so for 2024. A revaluation will result in changes to the assessed values for most properties. In a revaluation, the assessor looks at the prior year’s sales to update assessments citywide, in addition to property changes and corrections.  In 2023, the City performed a maintenance assessment rather than a revaluation. That means that most properties did not see a change in their assessed values unless there were changes to a property or a correction was made. In a revaluation, the assessor looks at the prior years’ sales to update assessments citywide, in addition to property changes and corrections. Revaluations are important to ensure that assessments are accurate and uniform. The assessed value determines what percentage of the City’s levy a property owner is responsible for; accuracy and uniformity are necessary to ensure fairness.

In certain cases, a property owner will disagree with the assessed value established by the assessor. On the back of your 2024 assessment notice you will find instructions on how to appeal your assessment. We encourage you, however, to read through the FAQs below, as they may provide the answers to the questions you have. If you still have questions, we encourage you to call and talk with an appraiser about your assessment during the Open Book period, the period of time the assessment roll is open for examination. This year, Open Book will be held April 22-May 20, 2024, from 8:00 am-4:45 pm, Monday-Friday. Additionally, you can call the appraiser hotline at (414) 286-6565.

2024 assessed values are now available for lookup at assessments.milwaukee.gov

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  Important dates and deadlines for 2024.

First day of Open Book: Monday, April 22, 2024

Last day of Open Book: Monday, May 20, 2024

Deadline to file an objection: Monday, May 20, 2024 at 4:45 pm

First meeting of the Board of Review: May 28, 2024 at 9:00 am. City Hall Room 301-B

  What is the difference between a Revaluation and a Maintenance year?

Assessments in Milwaukee fall into two broad categories: maintenance and revaluation.

A maintenance assessment consists of utilizing the assessment roll from the previous year and updating values to the current level of assessment when changes warrant. Examples of changes include new construction, combining or splitting of parcels, remodeling, demolition, annexation and zoning changes, changes in classification, and other occurrences that might affect value or the attributes of the parcel. These changes may, or may not, result in a change in value; nonetheless each of these requires the Property Record Card (PRC) to be updated. Reliable valuation depends on reliable data so ongoing maintenance and updating of information is a high-priority responsibility for all assessors.

A revaluation assessment will result in changes to the assessed values for most properties. In a revaluation, the assessor looks at the prior years’ sales to update assessments citywide, in addition to the property changes and corrections reviewed for a maintenance assessment.

  Will every taxable property owner receive an assessment notice?


  If I do not get an assessment notice, does that mean I cannot contest my assessment?

No. Property owners have the right to contest their assessment. The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) provides many useful guides. The Guide for Property Owners describes the assessment process including Open Book and Board of Review processes. To request a copy of your assessment notice, please contact us via the Ask the Assessor form or by phone at (414) 286-3651.

  If I believe my property assessment is incorrect, what can I do?

Please contact us at (414) 286-6565 and provide any additional information that you believe affect the value of your property. Information we may consider be a recent appraisal, comparable sales, cost to cure a property deficiency, actual construction cost statements, operating statements, vacancy rates, income and expense statements, etc. Please provide this information as soon as possible so it may be considered as we complete the assessment roll.

  How can I attend Open Book?

Contact the Assessor's Office via the Ask the Assessor web application

Call the Assessor's Office at (414) 286-6565 to speak with an appraiser

Visit the Assessor's Office in Room 507 of Milwaukee City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street

  How will a change in my assessment affect my tax bill?

Nicole F. Larsen

Commissioner of Assessments

General Information

Web Request: Ask the Assessor

  [email protected] 

 City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Room 507, Milwaukee, WI 53202

 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM


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