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Real Property

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Understanding Your Assessment (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions about the role of the Assessor's Office and how we determine assessed values.

How to Review Assessments

Resources for reviewing assessed values and sales data.

How Assessment Changes Affect Your Tax Bill

Changes in your assessed value in April may or may not result in changes to your tax bill in December. This page explains what happens to your tax bill based on changes in assessed value and changes in tax rate.

Assessed Versus Fair Market Value on Your Tax Bill

The City of Milwaukee assesses a value for your property. Your tax bill also includes a "fair market" value. What is the difference, and why the two numbers?

Dates to Remember

Important dates associated with the annual property assessment cycle.

Revaluation Background

The City of Milwaukee's annual revaluation practices and history.

Nicole F. Larsen

Commissioner of Assessments

General Information

Web Request: Ask the Assessor

  [email protected] 

 City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Room 507, Milwaukee, WI 53202

 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM


Quick Links

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Taxpayer Guides

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