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Redevelopment Strategy for the Havenwoods Area

Publication: 2001

The Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), working in coordination with the Havenwoods Business Council, engaged S. B. Friedman & Company, Teng and Associates, and Cross Management Services, Inc. to prepare a redevelopment strategy for the Havenwoods Area, a four-square-mile mixed-use area located on the Northwest Side of the City of Milwaukee (the City). The Executive Summary summarizes the key elements and findings of the redevelopment strategy.

Purpose of the Study:
The overarching goal of the redevelopment strategy is to revitalize the Havenwoods Area as a vibrant mixed-use urban area with industrial, residential, and commercial uses reinforcing each other. Key to the success of the redevelopment strategy is the interplay and relationship between the three major land uses. MEDC and the Business Council are interested in increasing the tax base, creating jobs, improving the environment, and enhancing the quality of life for the residents of the Havenwoods Area. 

The interplay between residential neighborhoods and industrial development is an important consideration for both Havenwoods Area residents and the retention and development of industrial uses. Residents living in the northern end of the study area are concerned about the development of nearby vacant land, whereas the perceived negative image of the residential neighborhoods in the southern end of the study area is discouraging industrial retention and redevelopment in the adjoining areas. In addition, residents living in the southern end of the Study Area would like to see increased housing opportunities for home ownership and rehabilitation of existing housing stock. 

Therefore, the redevelopment strategy examines not only the market potential for new development, but also addresses the potential conflicts in land use and the stabilization of the residential neighborhoods in
the southern end of the study area for the benefit of both area residents and business owners.

Read the Executive Summary  pdf file

 809 N. Broadway, 2nd floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 




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