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Request for Proposals - Freshwater Plaza Lot 4

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View Freshwater Plaza Lot 4 RFP - PDF
Proposals Pending


Premiere Opportunity in the Harbor District!

The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) is excited to present this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for a high profile site at the gateway to the Harbor District. The 88,758 square foot parcel is located in the Freshwater Plaza with great access to Downtown, Bay View, the Harbor, and the interstate. This is an opportunity to create a catalytic development on a key parcel in Freshwater Plaza with new opportunities to live, work and have fun in the Harbor District and Walker's Point.

The Harbor District area has been growing momentum with new development and investment in the area. This neighborhood remains home to many of the City's industrial employers and marine businesses. This area is continuing to grow and transform with new companies like Komatsu Mining Corporation, Michels, The DeLong Company, and more. Additional market information can be found on the Harbor District, Inc.'s website here.

Supporting Documents:

Environmental Documents:

Lot Survey Maps and Topography:

Blue decorative wave

View of vacant lot at 200 E Greenfield Ave.

(View from the bikepath)


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