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Walker's Point Strategic Action Plan

On June 23rd, 2015, the City of Milwaukee Common Council approved the Walker's Point Strategic Action Plan as an amendment to the Near South Side Area Plan. The plan seeks to create a district that is diverse, affordable, and sustainable.  Catalytic projects include a Creative Corridor on S. 5th, S. 6th and National Avenue, build-out of the Reed Street Yards, a proposed local historic district on S. 2nd Street, a series of improvements to make Walker's Point more walkable and bikeable, an Innovation Initiative, new approaches to riverfront development, wayfinding for trails, and a Creative Placemaking Initiative to enliven commercial corridors and reinvent the public realm. 


Read the Plan:

Full Plan

Chap. 1 Introduction
Chap. 2 Information Gathering & Analysis
Chap. 3 District Wide Policies & Strategies
Chap. 4 Strategic Actions & initiatives
Chap. 5 Catalytic Projects


Other Resources:

Walker's Point Affordable Neighborhood Action Plan (Study prepared by UWM Department of Urban Planning - Applied Planning Workshop)

 809 N. Broadway, 2nd floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 




Walker's Point Strategic Action Plan

Sam Leichtling, Long Range Planning Manager

(414) 286-5804



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