Connecting the Corridor -
Near North Side Strategic Action Plan
On November 4, 2020 the Common Council approved the Connecting the Corridor Strategic Action Plan amending the Near North Side Area Plan to include the Strategic Action Plan as part of Milwaukee's Overall Comprehensive Plan.
Read the Plan:
Full Plan
Executive Summary
Chap. 1 - Introduction
Chap. 2 - The 30th Street Corridor - Then, Now & Beyond
Chap. 3 - Area Summary
Chap. 4 - What We Heard
Chap. 5 - Guiding Principles
Chap. 6 - Projects
Chap. 7 - Next Steps & Conclusion
Appendix A - Summary Chart of Projects
How to Stay Involved?
Projects Underway
(updated 1/27/21)
Take a look at the Draft Plan Presentation & Discussion!
What is Connecting the Corridor?
The Department of City Development amended the Near North Side Comprehensive Area Plan with a Strategic Action Plan called Connecting the Corridor. Strategic Action Plans are a method of updating a portion of an existing area comprehensive plan to advance implementation of plan recommendations.
Since the Near North Plan’s adoption in 2009, there have been an increasing number of projects and proposals in the planning area that have aligned with the goals of the Green Crescent, a catalytic concept recommended in the Near North Plan. The “Green Crescent” concept recommends a series of public amenities, transportation corridors, trails, and stormwater management projects to tie together neighborhoods within the Near North Plan Area.
While much progress is ongoing on these various projects and proposals, there was a need to unify all of these efforts into a single plan document with the vision of improving the quality of life for local residents and businesses through improvement of the public realm. The planning process helped formalize priorities, identify responsible parties, and set next steps. The amendment will also assist in in efforts to secure funding for implementation by providing documented public outreach and city support through a Common Council-approved comprehensive plan amendment.
The Connecting the Corridor amendment focuses around the 30th Street Corridor, and the projects will fall into one or more the following themes:
- Parks & Public Space
- Mobility and Streets
- Off-street Trails
- Stormwater Management
The planning process was conducted as a joint effort between the Department of City Development and Department of Public Works with supporting partnerships. Connecting the Corridor recommendations complement the 30th Street Corridor Economic Development Master Plan and other city initiatives and plans.
Click on the image below for a map of the planning area:
Project Timeline
- April 2019: Plan Kickoff
- May-October 2019: Public Meetings and Community Outreach
- August 2020: Plan Draft released for review
- Fall 2020: Plan Adoption
Past Public Meetings
Monday, September 14, 2020 - Draft Plan Presentation & Discussion
- Summary: A Virtual Meeting that included a summary of the plan and process, overview of some of the near-term projects, description of other activities in the corridor, next steps, how to stay involved, and question and answer.
- Meeting Materials: Meeting Presentation video
Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - Parks, Public Spaces and Stormwater Management Open House
- Summary: Open House with the following input and informational stations: Introduction to Connecting the Corridor; 29th and Melvina Park redevelopment; Community green space near N. 35th St. and Congress; Green Tech Station; and stormwater management with MMSD, DPW, ReFlo, and Clean Wisconsin
Thursday, October 10, 2019 - 30th Street Corridor Business Forum
- Summary: After a brief presentation, attendees provided input for all Connecting the Corridor themes & spoke with representatives regarding business resources and projects in the area. Departments and partners participating included the 30th Street Industrial Corridor, Dept. of City Development, Dept. of Public Works, Environmental Collaboration Office, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District, the Commercial Corridors Team, The Corridor BID, and Northwest Side CDC.
- Hosted by: The 30th Street Industial Corridor
- Meeting Materials: Meeting Presentation
Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - Community Walk and Resource Fair on N. 27th Street with Alderman Ashanti Hamilton
- Summary: Community Resource Fair followed by a walk and discussion about traffic safety improvements along N. 27th St. The 1.25 miles walk was along 27th Street between W. Atkinson Ave. and W. Melvina Street.
- Hosted by: Dept. of Public Works, Milwaukee Safe and Healthy Streets, and Dept. of City Development and partners
Saturday, June 22, 2019 - Promise Zone Bike Ride
- Summary: DCD and DPW will join the Promise Zone bike ride and discuss potential trail projects to include in the Connecting the Corridor plan
- A follow up dinner discussion was held for participants on July 15th.
Saturday, May 11, 2019 - Community Walk Along 35th Street
- Summary: Walk and discussion about a Traffic Safety Improvement Project for N. 35th St.
- Hosted by: Dept. of Public Works and Milwaukee Safe and Healthy Streets
Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - Connecting the Corridor Kickoff Open House
- Summary: Introduction to Connecting the Corridor, Mobility & Streets Discussion, and an introduction to Traffic Safety Improvement Projects for N. 35th Street and N. 27th Street
- Meeting Materials: Meeting Presentation, Meeting Display Boards