August 2024:
The project team is continuing roadway restoration efforts over the next couple of weeks, including the following:
- Street sweeping - clearing and cleaning newly paved roadway
- Landscaping median islands with topsoil and sod.
- Completing pavement marking operations.

Beginning Monday, July 15:
- Westbound traffic on West Hampton Avenue, between North 60th Street and Teutonia Avenue, is scheduled to shift to the newly resurfaced westbound lanes.
- The outside lane in the eastbound direction will be closed from 60th Street to 20th Street as the project team begins final adjustments and improvements to the eastbound lanes.
- Eastbound traffic will be maintained in the inside eastbound lane.

Beginning Monday, June 24, 2024:
A series of lane closures are scheduled along West Hampton Avenue at the following signalized intersections while the project team performs final manhole adjustments.
- Northbound inside lane at 51st Boulevard
- Southbound outside lane at Sherman Boulevard
- Inside lanes at Hopkins Street
- All lanes at 37th Street

Beginning Wednesday, June 12, 2024:
- The northside intersections of 35th Street and 37th Street at West Hampton Avenue are scheduled to close for approximately 5 days while manhole adjustments take place in the westbound lanes.
- The surrounding intersections along West Hampton Avenue are anticipated to remain open during this work.

Beginning June 3, 2024:
Project crews are anticipated to begin paving operations along West Hampton Avenue. The following work is scheduled to take place in two phases over the next month.
- Applying two layers of asphalt, followed by manhole adjustments
- Last layer of asphalt and final adjustments
Paving operations are expected to occur directly at and near driveways and property entrances.

Beginning February 26, 2024:
Work on West Hampton Avenue, between North 60th Street and North Teutonia Avenue, is scheduled to resume. Crews will be on-site preparing for pavement removal and resurfacing of the westbound lanes.

Beginning Wednesday, December 6:
Eastbound traffic on West Hampton Avenue, between North 60th Street and North Teutonia Avenue, is scheduled to shift to the newly paved eastbound lanes.
Two lanes of traffic will be restored in both directions.
Please note that crew members will work over the winter on concrete sidewalks, driveways, curb and gutter, dependent on weather conditions. They will return in spring 2024 to finish paving the westbound lanes, tree plantings, and restorations along the project.

Winter Preparations
At the end of this year, crews will have resurfaced the eastbound lanes. Crews will work over the winter on concrete sidewalks, driveways, and curb and gutter. They will return in spring of 2024 to finish paving the westbound lanes, plantings and restorations along the project.

October Overview
The 2023 construction season is making great progress! Here's what's happening on the West Hampton Avenue resurfacing project during the month of October to wrap things up for the winter!
At the end of this year, the crews will have resurfaced the eastbound roadway. They will return in spring of 2024 to finish any remaining work on the westbound lanes, traffic signals, street lighting, plantings and restorations along the project.
Beginning the week of Monday, October 9, 2023:

Construction Notice
The City of Milwaukee, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is preparing to begin the West Hampton Avenue resurfacing project between North 60th Street and North Teutonia Avenue.
Milling and resurfacing the deteriorated asphaltic pavement
Replacing driveway approaches and sidewalk, where necessary
Building pedestrian curb ramps to meet current ADA standards
Improving the at-grade railroad crossing near North Teutonia Avenue
Upgrading traffic signals at North Hopkins Street, North 37th Street, North 35th Street, and North 32nd Street
Upgrading streetlights
Beginning May 22, 2023: