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Global Records Schedules

Global schedules are for records series common to multiple departments, such as Accounts Payable, Personnel Files, Timekeeping Records, or Open Records Requests. By consolidating these commonly-held series into top-level schedules, The City is able to standardize retention periods and final dispositions, thus helping ensure that records are maintained and destroyed or archived appropriately. If you have records found on a Global schedule that need to be stored at the City Records Center, use the Global series number for your transfer list.

As of June 2018, Departments are assumed to have adopted all global schedules and must retain and dispose of records accordingly. If your department does not wish to follow an approved Global schedule, you may complete an opt-out form, provided that records that would otherwise be covered are scheduled under a local departmental series within one year of opt-out. The existence of a global schedule does not imply a mandate to create records under that schedule, so departments should only opt out in cases of a statutory or administrative need to keep existing records for a different retention period.

Global Schedule Name

Example Series

Payroll Records

Timekeeping Records, Deduction Authorizations, Payroll Registers, HRMS Reports

Personnel Records

Employee Handbooks, Interview Files (Non-Hired), Personnel Files, I-9 Forms

Fiscal/Accounting Records

Accounts Payable, Departmental Budget Requests, Audit Reports, Equipment Inventories

Administrative Records

Subject Files, Grant Files, Committee Minutes, Annual Reports, Visitor Logs

NEW! Facilities/Fleet Records Building Maintenance, Project Files, As-Built Construction Drawings, Security Records



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