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License and Permit Applications

Individual Licenses


Required Forms

License Period 

License Fee


Bartender's (Class D Operator's) License - New Applicants


Granted to individuals who sell or serve alcoholic beverages in licensed establishments.

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  24 months, Expiring Dec 31 in year following year in which granted. $75

Bartender's (Class D Operator's) License - Renewal Applicants

  To use this link you must have the login credentials provided on your renewal application.  Please contact our office if you need this information resent.   24 months, Expiring 2 years from expiration of license being renewed. $50

Bartender's (Class D Operator's) License, Provisional


Issued to applicants for regular bartender licenses for the purposes of operating as bartenders during the period of time their applications for regular license are being processed.

  Up to 60 days, Expiring whenever regular license is granted or denied. $15

Bartender's (Class D Operator's) License, Temporary

  Issued to those operators employed by or donating their services to a non-profit corporation.   Not more than 14 consecutive days. $15

Bicycle License

  Registration is optional for city residents.  Registering your bicycle can help the police return it to you if it is stolen.   Indefinitely, following the bicycle.  Changes of ownership can be made to license. $0

Class "B" Manager's License

  Required of any Class "B" alcohol beverage retail establishment whenever the licensee is not the manager of the business.   12 months, Expiring June 30 $25

Driver's License, Public Passenger Vehicle

  License required for every person driving a public passenger vehicle, except motorbuses operated by a transportation company.  Any person driving a vehicle used for the transportation of elderly or handicapped persons, regardless of whether the vehicle of such organization is licensed or otherwise regulated by the state of Wisconsin as a human service vehicle for the transportation of elderly or handicapped persons, is also required to possess a Public Passenger Vehicle Driver's License.   24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance $75

Home Improvement Salesperson's License

  License required for any person who solicits or sells any place within the city, other than at the licensed business location, must be licensed as a salesperson. Exemptions: Individuals, corporations which include only one person, or limited liability companies having only one member, which have been issued a home improvement contractor license, or licensed master plumbers licensed under the statutes of the state of Wisconsin, or licensed electrical contractor licensed under the code need not have a salesperson's license.    24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance $75

Ice Cream Peddler Permit

  A permit is required of every person selling ice cream or similar frozen confections on the public way.   12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance $75

Individual Provisional Renewal

  Issued to applicants who are renewing individual licenses for the purposes of operating during the period of time when their applications for renewal are being processed to prevent a lapse in licensure.   Up to 60 days, Expiring whenever regular license is granted or denied


  Mobile Seller's License        
  License required for any Direct Sellers or Transient Merchants. Direct Sellers include any person who sells goods or takes orders for later delivery of goods on any public way or door-to-door. Transient Merchants include any person who engages in the business of selling merchandise at any fixed place temporarily.   12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance $130

Municipal Identification Card


Photo identification card for City of Milwaukee residents.

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  Expires 5 years from the date of issuance $10

Business Licenses



 Required Forms

 License Period

 License Fee


Alarm Business License (See Private Alarm System Business License.)


Amusement Machine Distributor's License






Granted to persons who lease, rent, or place with others one or more amusement machines for use in the city.


 Expires 2 years from the date of issuance



Auto Wrecker's License (See Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License.)




Bill Poster


Required for those engaged in the business of outdoor advertising for a cash consideration by placing, posting or painting on billboards, ground or roof signs, displays, or on the walls of buildings to advertise goods or products to announce coming events attractions or contests.


 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Bowling Alley (See Public Entertainment Premises License.)


Business Provisional Renewal

  Issued to applicants who are renewing business licenses for the purposes of operating during the period of time when their applications for renewal are being processed to prevent a lapse in licensure.   Up to 60 Days, Expiring whenever regular license is granted or denied




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Carnival Site (See Public Entertainment Premises, Temporary.)


Cigarette and Tobacco License

  License required for those selling, bartering or giving away cigarette or tobacco products.  

 12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance [ 1 ]



Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License


Authorizes the retail sale of fermented malt beverages for consumption away from the licensed premises. No sales allowed between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.


 12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance

 $350 + $10 publication fee.


Class "A" Liquor and Malt Retailer's License (Liquor Store)


Authorizes the retail sale of intoxicating liquors and fermented malt beverages for consumption away from the licensed premises. No sales allowed between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.


12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance

 $850 + $10 publication fee.


 Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage License


For the consumption of fermented malt beverages on the licensed premises. (This license may be applied for in conjunction with the Class "C" Wine License; a single combined application can be filed.)            



12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance

 $100 + $10 publication fee.


Class "B" Special Fermented Malt Beverage License


Authorizes the holder to sell, barter, or give away retail beer and/or wine, at a specific picnic, festival or similar event. It does not permit the sale or service of liquor.


 Up to 2 events per 12-month period



Class "B" Tavern License


For the consumption of intoxicating liquors and fermented malt beverages on the licensed tavern premises.


12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance

 $600 + $10 publication fee.


Class "C" Wine License                           

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Allows the licensee to sell, offer for sale, barter or give away wine by the glass or in an opened original container for consumption on the premises. The license may only be granted to restaurants in which the sale of alcohol beverages is less than 50% of the gross receipts. Foreign Corporations may not hold this type of license. (This license may be applied for in conjunction with the Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage License; a single combined application can be filed.)            


 12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance

 $100 + $10 publication fee.




Dwelling Facilities License



License required for any for-profit business which operates a premise used for living or sleeping by occupants, includes hotels, motels and rooming houses

   12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance
  • $200 for Rooming Houses
  • $600 for Hotels and Motels
  • $250 Preinspection fee for Hotels and Motels with 50 or fewer rooms
  • $350 Preinspection fee for Hotels and Motels with more than 50 rooms


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Extended Hour Establishment


License required for any convenience store, recording studio, filling station, personal service establishment or restaurant open at any time between the hours of 12 a.m. and 5 a.m.

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 12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance





Filling Station

  A license is required for all gas stations dispensing to the public gasoline or other fuels for use in motor vehicles of any kind.   12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance $275

Food Dealer License


A license is required of every person, partnership, association or corporation that manufactures, offers for sale, stores, distributes or sells food in the City of Milwaukee.  This application is for use by businesses operating in their own space.


12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance

License fee varies based upon items sold.

  Food Dealer License For Shared Kitchen Users        
  A license is required of every person, partnership, association or corporation that manufactures, offers for sale, stores, distributes or sells food in the City of Milwaukee.  This application is for use by businesses operating in a shared kitchen space such as a mobile vendor or caterer operating out of another licensed food dealer's kitchen.   12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance License fee varies based upon items sold.

Food Dealer Temporary Event


Individuals selling food at festivals must obtain a permit to do so for each booth at each festival. (Business application not required)

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  12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance License fee varies based upon items sold.

Food Dealer Temporary Extension


A license is required for any food dealer that wishes to extend its food preparation temporarily to the outside.

See Temporary Change of Plan Permit


Food Peddler


A permit is required of every person who sells food in the City of Milwaukee from a pushed, pedaled, pulled or motorized vehicle or from a carried container on the public way.

  12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance License fee varies based upon the mobile unit
  Full Service Retailer        
  Producer permittees may apply for full-service retail sales on or off the production premises. Producer permittees include brewers, rectifiers, manufacturers, and wineries.       
  Full-Service Retail Outlet, Request for Unlimited Transfer   Duration of events listed on the request $10

Producers may submit a Request for Unlimited Transfer Full-Service Retail Outlet if they intend on selling products at an event not held on the production premises, including fixed full-service retail premises. 

The permit is issued by the State of Wisconsin, while approval for permit issuance is granted by the City of Milwaukee.




Handicapped and Elderly Vehicle


License is required for those who wish to transport handicapped and elderly persons who by reason of physical or mental infirmity or age cannot be transported on public mass transportation vehicles. This license is not required for operating in the city of Milwaukee if the intention is to transport people in a vehicle that is utilized as a Human Services Vehicle, and if the licensee is being reimbursed by State issued insurance.   Contact the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles.


 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Home Improvement Contractor's License


License required for those engaged in the business of installing, repairing, servicing, improving, or remodeling any permanent installation or improvement attached to an existing home or building used for residence purposes but not exceeding 6 living units.


 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Horse and Surrey Livery Service


Permit required for persons to engage in the business of operating a horse-drawn surrey for hire.

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24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Hotel/Motel License (See Dwelling Facilities License)




Junk Collector License (See Recycling, Salvaging, Towing Vehicle License.)




Junk Dealer License (See Recycling, Salvaging, Towing Premises License.)






Permit required for persons engaged in a for-hire transportation business on a pre-reserved contract service basis only.

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 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Loading Zone License

  Establishes loading and unloading zones for the use by the general public for the purposes of, and while actively engaged in, loading or unloading property or passengers.   ccl-lzinfo

 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance

 $275 for each 30 feet of curb space, or fraction thereof.




Massage Establishment License

  A license is required for any person or business operating a massage establishment where the primary or secondary function is to offer massage    12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance $350
  Mobile Home Park        
  License required for any person or business operating a manufactured home community upon which 3 or more manufactured homes are occupied fordwelling or sleeping purposes.   Licenses expire June 30th annually $150 per every 50 sites or fraction thereof.



Parking Lot License






License required for those conducting a business of storing motor vehicles, for a fee, with spaces for more than 15 cars.


12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance



Pawnbroker (See Secondhand Dealer License.)







Permanent Extension of Alcohol or Food Premises

  License required for establishment owners who wish to extend their premises to a new area on a permanent basis, whether the extension is inside or outside. (Business application not required)     Permanent $50 for alcohol or food; $75 for both

Precious Metal and Gem Dealer License (See Secondhand Dealer License.)







Private Alarm System Business License


License required for those engaged in the selling, leasing, renting, installing, monitoring, servicing, altering, moving or causing any alarm system to be sold, leased, rented, installed, monitored, serviced or altered in or on any building, place of business, structure, residence or other facility. Included in this definition are holders of alarm system contracts.  


 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance

 $300 [3]


Private Waste Collector


License required for those collecting or transporting waste materials on any street or alley in the city of Milwaukee.


 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance

 $65 per vehicle.


Public Entertainment Premises License


License required to permit dancing by patrons and to permit the holding of certain shows and exhibitions upon premises.

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  12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance of related alcohol license Based on capacity of premise

Public Entertainment Premises, Temporary Permit


License required to permit--on a temporary basis--dancing by patrons and to permit the holding of certain shows and exhibitions upon premises. (Business application not required)

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   Not more than 4 consecutive days. (up to 14 days for carnivals)  $50 for applications filed on or before filing deadline; $75 for applications filed after the filing deadline



Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises

  License Required for any premises in the city used in the business of recycling, salvaging, or non-consensual towing.   24 months, expiring two years from the date of issuance $344

Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Vehicle

  License Required for any vehicle used in the business of recycling, salvaging or non-consensual towing of repossessed vehicles where the business does not have a premises in the city.   24 months, expiring two years from the date of issuance

$188 for one vehicle

$344 for two or more vehicles


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Secondhand Dealer License


License required for those in the business of selling, purchasing, or exchanging secondhand articles of personal property.


 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance


$75 (bicycles only)



Secondhand Motor Vehicle (Used Car) Dealer's License


License required for those engaging in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, or dealing in used or secondhand motor vehicles. (Retail or Wholesale)

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 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Self-Service Laundry Registration

  Registration is required for an establishment used by the general public to wash or dry clothes or other fabrics.   12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance $150

Sidewalk Dining Facility Permit


License required for a restaurant or alcohol beverage licensee who provides outside seating in the public right of way for customers to consume food or beverages

  12 months, Expiring with the food dealer or alcohol beverage license License fee varies based on square footage of the sidewalk dining facility

Shuttle Vehicle


Permit required for persons operating a privately owned vehicle engaged in the business of carrying passengers in a shared ride service for hire on a fixed route and fixed schedule to and from predetermined locations, or in a group travel service for hire on a pre-reserved basis only, provided that the vehicle has a passenger-carrying capacity of 5 or more persons, excluding the driver.

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 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Snow Plowing Business License


License required for those engaging in the business of removing snow or ice from the public sidewalks or public alleys of the city by means of motorized sweepers or plows.


12 months, Expiring one year from date of issuance



Special Class "B" Beer and Wine (See Class "B" Special Fermented Malt Beverage License.)



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Tattoo and Body Piercing

  License required for those inserting pigment under the skin of a person by needle or otherwise to leave a permanent mark or those perforating any body part or tissue, except an ear,  to insert a foreign object to prevent the perforation from closing.   12 months, From July 1 to June 30 Annually

License fee varies based upon services offered.


Temporary Tattoo and Body Piercing

  License required for those inserting pigment under the skin of a person by needle or otherwise to leave a permanent mark or those perforating any body part or tissue, except an ear,  to insert a foreign object to prevent the perforation from closing at a temporary event   Duration of the event $250



Permit required for public passenger vehicles with 3 or more doors that operate without a fixed route or schedule and which are available for hire upon demand for service including by hail on the street, or upon telephonic or other electronic request, and is equipped with a taximeter.

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 24 months, Expiring two years from date of issuance



Temporary Change of Plan Permit


Authorizes the licensee to temporarily deviate from the plan of operation on file with our office.  Deviations include change of hours or age restriction, extension of premises, change of capacity, and change of entertainment.


 Event specific.

 $50 for applications filed on or before filing deadline; $75 for applications filed after the filing deadline


Temporary Extension of Premises is now Temporary Change of Plan Permit



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Used Bicycle, Tire or Battery Dealer's License (See Secondhand Dealer License for Bicylces Only.  See Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License for other operations of combinations thereof.)

  License required for those engaging in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, or dealing in used or secondhand bicycles, bicycle parts, tires and batteries.    




Used Car Dealer's License (See Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License.)




Waste Tire Generator (See Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License.)


Waste Tire Transporter (See Recycling, Salvaging, Towing Vehicle License.)


Weights and Measures License

  License required for businesses using weighing and measuring devices for commercial use within the city.   12 months or 24 months depending on type Varies, depending on type



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If this type of license is issued to an alcohol beverage retail establishment, then the license expires at same time as the alcohol beverage license.


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 Common Council City Clerk - License Division

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City Clerk – License Division
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200 E. Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202  

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