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City Clerk's Office
The Inspector General is a certified peer-reviewed member of the Association of Inspectors. Established in 2018, the office currently has 1 appropriated full-time employee. In addition, the Inspector General holds various memberships in organizations including the Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA), the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE), and the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics.
The IG conducts independent, objective analyses and evaluations of City programs and operations, issues public reports of findings, and makes recommendations to strengthen and improve the delivery of City services. The work of the IG serves as a resource for the City Council, policymakers, civic and advocacy organizations, journalists, and the general public. The IG conducts independent and professional audits of City programs and departments following generally accepted government auditing standards of the federal Government Accountability Office (The Yellow Book). The IG is responsible for non-partisan research and review of City programs, including performance analysis of City services.
View prior audits, follow-ups, advisories, and reviews on the Publications page.
The Inspector General can be reached in a number of ways. If you would like to report fraud, waste and abuse, you may choose one of the options below:
You can also contact the IG via email or regular mail.
Office of the City Clerk Attention: Inspector General City of Milwaukee 200 E Wells Street, RM 205 Milwaukee, WI 53202
The Inspector General (IG) is an independent body that promotes economy, effectiveness, efficiency, and integrity in the administration of programs and operation of City government. The IG is a watchdog for the taxpayers of the City of Milwaukee, and has jurisdiction to conduct independent inquiries into most aspects of City government. The IG investigates City officials, employees, agencies, and contractors, and those who seek to do business with the City or seek certification to participate in any City program.
The IG additionally conducts audits, reviews, and evaluations of the operations and policies of City departments, programs, and functions. The IG is dedicated to ensuring honesty and integrity in City government by disclosing corruption, fraud, other misconduct, and waste.
The major functions of the IG are to:
Inspector General Office Fraud Report Form
Provide as much information about the suspected fraud as possible below.
More information increases the chances to prove fraud.
Date: Which of the following classifications best represents the alleged misuse, fraud or abuse? Embezzlement, misuse of funds, assets
Cash kickbacks, bribes, extortion, forgery
Mismanagement, waste, abuse
False statement(s), certification, etc.
Environmental violations
Conflicts of interest, ethics violation
Other (Please describe below)
Please state the name(s) of the individual(s) and the City of Milwaukee involved in the alleged activity:
Name: Name: Name:
Check the relationship of the alleged individual(s) to the City of Milwaukee:
Employee Vendor or Contractor Other (Describe below)
Has the activity been reported to any other person or department? Yes No
If yes to whom and when?
Provide details concerning the alleged activity. Attach additional pages if necessary.
How does the complainant wish to be identified? Anonymous Confidential No Restriction
Complainant’s Information (optional):
Department (If Applicable):
Address: Phone: Email:
City Hall 200 E. Wells Street Room 205 Milwaukee, WI 53202
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM
Hours and Directory
Email Inspector General