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Municipal Research Center

The Municipal Research Center serves as a primary resource for public and privileged access to, and preservation of, current and archival information on Milwaukee's municipal government and historic properties. It is comprised of the City Records Center, Historic Preservation, and the Municipal Research Library (formerly the LRB Library).

City Records Center

  • Provides records management and retention support for City Departments, including retention scheduling, records surveys, records policy development, inactive records storage, and document shredding
  • Manages the City’s centralized Document Imaging System (FileDirector/E-Vault)
  • Provides City Departments with interoffice and U.S. Postal mail services
  • Provides access to historical City records to City employees and members of the public

Historic Preservation

  • Purpose is to protect/safeguard, enhance, perpetuate and promote the use of improvements of special architecture character or special historic interest or value
  • Staffs the Milwaukee Historic Preservation Commission, a seven-member body appointed by the Mayor
  • Prepares nominations for local historic designation and assists property owners with Certificates of Appropriateness for alterations to their designated properties

Municipal Research Library (formerly the LRB Library)

  • Provides in-person, telephone, and email reference and research service to government officials, employees, and citizens on municipal issues and urban affairs
  • Functions as the official depository for City of Milwaukee documents

MRC Digital Archive (Preservica)

  • A curated sampling of records from across City government, received from and published by City Departments.
  • Records are pulled from various sources to serve as the official record, including MRL digital holdings, publicly-available Historic Preservation records, and City Records holdings received directly from departments.
  • MMRC Digital Collections Policy

Department Logo

Contact Us

Municipal Research Center
Zeidler Municipal Building
841 N. Broadway, Rm. B-2
Milwaukee, WI 53202  



 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM

 Digital collections of unique items housed in the MRC that have been digitized and brought online.


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