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Historic Site Maps

Milwaukee's Historic Sites and Districts Application.

How to use the map below:

  1. Zoom in/out by using the + or - buttons in the top left corner of the map or by using the scroller on your mouse
  2. Find out more about a feature by clicking on it to bring up a pop-up
  3. Search for specific addresses or places by typing the location in the search bar
  4. Click the scope icon on the left side of the screen to show your current location
  5. Turn layers on and off by clicking the stacked papers icon in the header
  6. Print custom views of the map by clicking the printer icon in the header
  7. Click the up arrow at the bottom of the map to bring up a table of the features that can be exported as a csv

If you need more assistance in using the map or have questions about the features shown, please contact [email protected].

To have the map open a new brower window, click here.

Traditional Map Milwaukee Instructions

If you prefer the standard MapMilwaukee interface or need to compare additional datasets to the historic designations, follow these instructions.

  1. Go to Map Milwaukee  http://city.milwaukee.gov/mapmilwaukee

  2. Look for "Map Applications." Click on "Zoning".

  3. Click on the ">" symbol at the top left

  4. Scroll down the Layers list (left sidebar) until you reach "Special Districts". Click the checkbox next to it then click the "+" next to it.

  5. Click the checkbox next and the plus "+" next to "Historic Preservation"

  6. From here you can check the boxes for historic districts and individual historic properties. Districts show a shaded area with boundaries. Individual properties are shown as stars.

  7. Turning off other layers via their checkboxes will help with visual clarity.

  8. If you have zoomed in close enough to see parcel lines, you can use the "Identify" tool on the left side of the window to determine the address and taxkeys of parcels located in designated districts.*

    1. Historic status of an individually designated properties is usually reliable, however, the data is updated rarely and a delay of up to one year is possible.

    2. For properties in historic districts, rely on the district boundary and not the historic code on an individual parcel. Land divisions can cause errors in historic codes, but boundary maps remain accurate.

Additional information and help with Map Milwaukee is available on its main page here: http://city.milwaukee.gov/mapmilwaukee.

*For all maps there is a delay of up to 90 days for changes in ownership or designation.

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