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Park East Redevelopment Plan

The Park East Redevelopment Plan was originally approved by the Common Council on June 15, 2004. Three documents make up the Park East Redevelopment Plan, with the intent of guiding future development within the corridor in a predictable manner while optimizing long-term public and private investments.  The documents include the Master Plan, the Development Code and the Renewal Plan.

Click on the links below to read the Park East Redevelopment Plan.

Document One: The Master Plan

The Master Plan lays out the overall, comprehensive vision for future development and was specifically written to facilitate the decision-making process for land uses, design variances, and requests for financial assistance.  The Plan creates three districts within the corridor: the Upper Water Street, Lower Water Street and McKinley Avenue Districts.  The intended character by district is based on the existing marketplace demands for residential, office, retail and entertainment uses.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

The Upper Water Street District forsees development that continues the strong pattern of residential which has flourished to the east, including higher density townhomes, apartments and neighborhood-supported retail on the ground floor.  The development will create an extended downtown residential neighborhood, seamlessly connecting the Brady Street, Beerline "B" and original Park East (Ogden area) neighborhoods. 

The Lower Water Street District includes mixed-activity development that compliments existing patterns of small-scal entertainment, promotes an increased level of pedestrian activity and maximizes use of the riverfront parcel to create an attractive location for high-tech office uses.

The McKinley Avenue District contains large continguous parcels suitable for large buildings such as corporate offices and entertainment venues.  The intent of this district is to concentrate corporate offices to create a daytime population that would support existing entertainment and restaurant venues.

Document Two: The Renewal Plan

The Renewal Plan contains language to satisfy the technical statutory requirements for redevelopment plans including project boundaries, a description of the project and a definition of blight.

Document Three: The Development Code

The Development Code defines land use and design standards for the corridor. The code is form-based and emphasizes the public qualities of buildings.  The standards are graphically expressed and organized into three sections:  General Rules & Definitions, the Regulating Plan, and Block Development Standards.

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