In 2005, the Common Council created a new type of special zoning district called the Redevelopment District. Redevelopment District zoning is shown on the zoning map with a RED designator.
City Special Zoning Districts
The City's special zoning districts include RED, Park, Institutional, and Planned Development. Special zoning districts are intended to identify areas of the city that have unique qualities requiring special treatment or locations where special approaches to development may be warranted. Special districts are base zoning districts which:
- Protect or regulate the development of unique areas, or
- Provide more flexible zoning districts which encourage good design and site layout
RED Designation
The RED zoning designation may be applied by the Common Council to any area of the city where:
- The Council has already adopted a redevelopment plan in accordance with the State of Wisconsin’s blighted area law, and
- The plan includes specific regulations for the use, development and design of properties and structures within its boundaries.
Permitted, limited, special, conditional and prohibited uses for property in a Redevelopment District are the same as indicated in the redevelopment plan for that district.
Design Standards
The principal building design standards, accessory building design standards and site design standards for property in a redevelopment district are the same as indicated in the redevelopment plan for that district.
For all matters other than use regulations and design standards, the existing provisions of the zoning code apply.