The Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone is intended to provide a vehicle to initiate and implement programs for the revitalization or conservation of older areas or districts possessing distinctive features, identity, or character worthy of retention and enhancement. A Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone takes effect through adoption of a neighborhood conservation plan and a set of guidelines that will facilitate maintenance and protection of the neighborhood character and the development of vacant or underused lots. Incompatible mixes of uses will be reduced or prohibited by adding limitations to the list of permitted, limited and special uses of the base district.
Each Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone shall include a minimum contiguous area of 2 acres, including intervening streets and alleys, and shall contain at least 3 separate parcels.
Provisions for specific uses included in any base zoning district except a planned development district may be modified by the neighborhood conservation plan to accommodate unique or mixed uses serving the neighborhood or to restrict uses which adversely affect the neighborhood.
Performance Criteria
Performance criteria for permitted, limited or special uses may be modified by the neighborhood conservation plan.
Development and Design Standards
Development and design standards may be created to enhance the neighborhood's identity and character.