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Parking Permits

Night Parking Permit System

For the convenience of the city’s night parking permit customers, there is no longer a requirement to display a physical permit. Now, when residents buy a night parking permit, they will complete the same application and receive a confirmation number to prove purchase of the permit, but will not receive a physical permit to place on the vehicle’s window.  The license plate number will be used by parking enforcement to determine whether the owner has purchased a valid permit. All customer service problems arising from misplaced or stolen permits will be eliminated.

A night parking permit currently costs $20 per 4-month trimester or $55 for the calendar year.  Failure to purchase a permit will still be subject to a $20 citation.  Permits may be purchased online.

Visit the Parking Services web page for more information and call 414-286-CITY (2489) with any questions.

Temporary Night Parking Permission

Free overnight parking is permitted on a temporary basis for special situations or circumstances, like providing parking for out-of-town visitors or for when residents lose access to their private parking spaces due to street or alley construction projects.

Permission may be obtained each night by calling 414-286-8300 or completing the Online Night Parking Permission Request between the hours of 7:00 AM and 1:00 AM Sunday through Friday.

Any questions can be answered by calling 414-286-CITY.



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