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Help Get Out the Vote — Be a Poll Worker

In order to ensure convenience and accessibility, the Milwaukee Election Commission operates over 200 neighborhood-based polling sites on election days. In order to keep these sites running smoothly and effectively, the Election Commission relies on the support of over 1,400 highly dedicated Election Day workers.

This year, the City of Milwaukee Election Commission launched "Election Connection," an initiative to increase the involvement of private citizens in local elections. "This program offers several highly-rewarding opportunities to become involved in elections," said Ald. Bauman, "and I hope you will consider participating."

Help to ensure open, fair and accurate elections in Milwaukee:

  • Conduct assigned duties at a polling site on Election Day.
  • Poll workers can work a full-day shift (6:00 a.m. to close of the voting site), AM shift (6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.), or PM shift (1:30 p.m. to close of the voting site).
  • Poll workers are paid $230 (hazard pay increase for 2020 Fall Elections) for a full-day shift and are required to attend one paid training class ($21.75) or retraining ($15.00).

If you'd like information on becoming a poll worker and community leader, call the Election Commission at 414-286-3491, or go to the their website at milwaukee.gov/election/Helpmilwaukeevote to get an application form.

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