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MKE Elevate Priority Action Areas (2017-2021)

The community has spoken. Based on data from the City of Milwaukee Community Health Assessment, a community-wide survey of more than 3,000 people who live and/or work in the city of Milwaukee, a photo campaign, key stakeholder interviews, focus groups and meetings, MKE Elevate has released its proposed citywide public health priority action areas for the MKE Elevate Plan.

Based upon this extensive community input, the overarching goal of the MKE Elevate Community Health Improvement Plan will be:

To support safe and healthy neighborhoods

In support of this vision, MKE Elevate is aligning key measures with the City of Milwaukee Health Department Office of Violence Prevention's forthcoming "Blueprint for Peace," an aggressive plan focused on violence prevention. To further respond to the community's call for action, MKE Elevate will work to address three key community-identified concerns that significantly influence safety and health in our neighborhoods. These three priority areas:

  1. Economic security
  2. Inclusive & fair society
  3. Positive mental health

The diagram below shows the priority areas and goals idenfitied through the MKE Elevate planning process. The proposed objectives and activities to support this work are outlined in the Draft MKE Elevate Community Health Improvement Plan.

For further information on the selection of these priority areas, please reference:



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