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Purchase of Milwaukee-Made, Milwaukee County-Made, and American-Made Goods Legislation


Effective February 12, 2013, Section 310-18.9 of the Ordinances requires that the city purchase City of Milwaukee-made, Milwaukee-County Made or American-made goods for bids over $50,000.  Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting the requirements of the Ordinance provided the bid does not exceed the lowest bid by more than 12%.

Effective June 20, 2014, contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting the requirements of the Ordinance provided the bid does not exceed the lowest bid by more than 12% or $25,000, which shall be increased by 1% annually by the City Clerk on March 1 of each year.

  • City of Milwaukee-made Good - means an article that is manufactured, mined or produced in the City of Milwaukee, and the cost of components made in Milwaukee used in the production of the good exceeds 50% of the total cost of all the components.
  • Milwaukee County-made Good - means an article that is manufactured, mined or produced in Milwaukee County, and the cost of the components made in Milwaukee County used in the production of the good exceeds 50% of the total cost of all the components.
  • American-made Good - means an article that is manufactured, mined or produced in the United States, and the cost of domestic components used in the production of the good exceeds 50% of the total cost of all the components.
  • Component - means an article, material or supply incorporated directly into an end product.

If a Milwaukee-made good is not available, the city shall then purchase a Milwaukee county-made good, provided the purchase does not increase the cost by more than 12% or $25,000.  If a Milwaukee-made or Milwaukee county-made good is not available, the city shall then purchase an American-made good, provided the purchase does not increase the cost by more than 12% or $25,000.

The purchase of the following commodities are exempt from this Ordinance:

  • Commodities that are considered to be a raw material, including salt, gravel or petroleum, or any product derived from petroleum.
  • Commodities that are considered to be a chemical, including liquid oxygen, fluoride or anhydrous ammonia.

The lowest responsible bidders must submit with their bid a sworn report or affidavit which includes a statement that the goods to be supplied are Milwaukee-made, Milwaukee county-made or American-made goods.  The form is located under the “Forms and Affidavits” tab.

NOTE: Any bidder proposing to supply goods under this Ordinance shall not also receive the benefit of the bid award provided under the Local Business Enterprise program.

In addition to the Affidavit supplied with the bid, vendors will be requested and required to provide to the City of Milwaukee Procurement Services periodic information to aid in the reporting of job creation and retention information which will include, but may not be limited to:

  • Prior to contract execution, obtain an estimate from the successful bidder of the impact of the contract on job creation and retention.
  • Prior to final contract payment, obtain an estimate from the successful bidder of the impact of the contract on job creation and retention.
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