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Shipping & Receiving Policies

  • Vendor must obtain the individual's name, bill-to-location, and telephone number at the time of order placement. This information and the Purchase Order or Contract number must appear on all shipping documents, invoices, and each package or shipment.
  • Each shipment must contain an itemized packing list.
  • Deliveries are to be made to the department indicated on the face of the Purchase Order or Contract or to the location indicated at the time of order placement.
  • Do not add freight. The City of Milwaukee does not pay freight. All deliveries are to be FOB destination to the address as indicated at the time of the order placement.

Timely delivery of goods is critical to the continuation of service to the citizens of the City of Milwaukee, and delays in delivery of contracted goods may result in disruption of service, work stoppages, or even threaten the safety of workers and/or citizens.

All of the City of Milwaukee's bids contain a guaranteed delivery clause that states: "Failure by the contractor to adhere to the delivery schedule as specified, or to promptly replace rejected or defective materials, shall render the contractor liable for the difference between the "open market" and the contract, price, and/or other costs as applicable under the Uniform Commercial Code."

Late delivery of goods may also render you to be considered an unresponsive bidder on future bids and could jeopardize your eligibility to receive award of contracts, because City contracts must be awarded to the lowest "responsible and responsive" bidder.  Unexcused late deliveries may be considered when assessing your responsibility.

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