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Types of Appeals

Bid Specification Appeal - Specifications that contain a term, condition or provision which prevents a vendor from bidding or are restrictive relative to the market and/or the service requirements of the City can be appealed by filing a written appeal with the City of Milwaukee Purchasing Director at least five (5) working days prior to bid opening.

Bid Award Recommendation Appeal - All bidders will be notified in writing of the City's award recommendation on all formal bids with regard to determining the low responsive and responsible bidder relative to the Invitation for Bid (Special Conditions). A bidder who wishes to contest the City's award recommendation has the right to appeal by following the instructions provided with the Notice of Findings.


The  fee required for a vendor to appeal bid specifications and recommendations for awards pursuant to s. 16-05 of the charter and s. 310-19 of the code shall be 1.25% of the amount of the estimated dollar amount of the contract for bid specification appeals and 1.25% of the total dollar value of the recommended award for bid award recommendation appeals.  The fee must accompany the appeal documents. Only a check or money order will be accepted.  The appeal fee will be returned if the appeal is upheld.

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