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About Us

Mission Statement

The Purchasing Division's mission is to acquire Commodities and Services for City Departments in the most cost effective, efficient, and impartial manner within the appropriate guidelines. Purchasing maintains the highest commitment to racial equity, transparency, and innovation while supporting programs and initiatives that empower city residents to become involved in contracting opportunities available at the City.

Viewing Active Bids

All active Bids and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are posted on the City’s website
Click on any of the listed departments to view and download their active bids. The City of Milwaukee uses an electric notification system to announce when a new bid is available.
When a new bid is posted, E-Notify issues a notice that will come directly to you via email containing basic information such as:

  • Bid number
  • A brief description of the commodity or service
  • A hyperlink to view and download the bid

What do we Buy

Commodities and services include, but are not limited to:

  • Automotive supplies, fuel and lubricants, and chemicals
  • Fire and police equipment, communications equipment, and computer hardware and software 
  • Consulting, financial services, health services, and IT services 
  • Office supplies and equipment, furniture, and more

Socioeconomic Contracting Programs

The City of Milwaukee offers programs to provide incentive to bidders including the following:

Purchasing Division logo 

 About Purchasing

 City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Room 601, Milwaukee, WI 53202 



 [email protected]

 For non-purchasing questions, please contact 414-286-2489.

Helpful Tips

When submitting a bid to the City of Milwaukee,
be sure to:

  • Submit the bid one time
  • If required, submit any descriptive literature of your product
  • Bid all line items—many bids require that allline items must be bid to be considered for an award
  • Comply with all social and economic contracting requirements as stated in the text of the bid
  • Start working on the bid documents early
  • any questions you may have about the bid must be directed in writing to the Purchasing Agent at least 5 business days prior to the bid closing date. The Purchasing Agent’s contact information will be listed on the first page of the invitation to bid.

Additional Tips on 
Doing Business

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