Local Business Enterprise (LBE) Program
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the differences between the LBE criteria under the original Ordinance, versus the revised Ordinance that is effective on January 1, 2017?
The major difference is that businesses that are ceritifed as a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) firm with the City of Milwaukee are eligible to receive a 10% bid preference not to exceed $30,000 in comparison to the 5% bid preference not to exceed $25,000 that is still available to non SBE firms.
Note: Please refer to Chapter 365 LBE Contract Program for the detailed criteria and LBE qualifications.
- When does the LBE Bid incentive apply?
The LBE bid incentive applies to all competive bids with the exception of any bids that are issued for the execution, repair, remodeling or improvement of a public work or building, or for the furnishing of supplies or materials of any kind for construction, execution, repair, remodeling or improvement of a public work or building.
- My company is not located within the City of Milwaukee City limits. Am I no longer able to bid?
Yes, you may continue to bid. However, since your company is not located in within the limits of the City of Milwaukee, you would not qualify for the 5% Local Business Enterprise (LBE) bid incentive.
- How do I register for the program? Is there an LBE vendor registration list?
There is no registration list. Bidders who are interested in being considered for LBE status must submit the LBE Affidavit and LBE Property Location Form with their bid documents every time they bid on a project.
- Do I have to submit the LBE Affidavit and LBE Business Ownership Form with each bid?
- For companies that qualify as an LBE, does the 5% discount or 10% for SBE's that qualify for the incentive come off the top of their bid price?
Yes. It is based on the base bid price.
- My company would qualify for the LBE program when we bid. However, if there is an SBE requirement to the bid, must all the SBEs I use also qualify for the program?
No. The LBE incentive applies to the prime bidder. The prime bidder can work with any SBE business.
- If my company is registered as an SBE with the City of Milwaukee, does that mean I am automatically registered for the LBE program?
There is no registration list for the program. All prime bidders (including all SBE prime bidders) must submit the LBE Affidavit with their bid every time they bid on a project.
- My company does not have a business that is located within the limits of the City of Milwaukee. Is there any incentive or advantage given to Wisconsin-based companies?
No. The LBE program was set-up to provide an incentive for companies within the limits of the City of Milwaukee.