Office of African American Affairs
Affordable land and leasing costs, abundant fresh water, an educated workforce, low business costs and easy access to financing, technical assistance and efficient transportation have helped local businesses succeed and grow.
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Milwaukee Water Works
Fluoride, in low levels in drinking water, is proven to help prevent tooth decay. Milwaukee began adding fluoride to its water in 1953 when the Common Council enacted an ordinance directing its use. The Milwaukee Water Works adds fluoride to the treated drinking water at a level that does not exceed 0.7 mg/L of fluoride. This level conforms with regulations.
Find additional information on the web sites of the Centers for Disease Control, Health and Human Services and the Milwaukee Health Department.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, for optimal short- and long-term health advantages. Go to for more information.
As of Aug. 31, 2012, City of Milwaukee water is fluoridated at a level of 0.7 mg/L. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), for infants up to six months of age, if tap water is fluoridated or has substantial natural fluoride (0.7 mg/L or higher) and is being used to dilute infant formula, a parent may consider using a low-fluoride alternative water source. Bottled water known to be low in fluoride is labeled as purified, deionized, demineralized, distilled, or prepared by reverse osmosis. Ready-to-feed (no-mix) infant formula typically has little fluoride and may be preferable at least some of the time.
If breastfeeding is not possible, parents should consult a pediatrician about an appropriate infant formula option. Parents should be aware that there may be an increased chance of mild dental fluorosis if the child is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water. Dental fluorosis is a term that covers a range of visible changes to the enamel surface of the tooth.
Go to <> for more information on dental fluorosis and for more information on the use of fluoridated drinking water in infant formula.
La Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría (American Academy of Pediatrics) recomienda la leche materna como único alimento en los primeros seis meses de vida. Y, a partir de entonces, la continuación de la lactancia mientras se incorporan alimentos complementarios a la dieta, para fomentar el buen estado de salud a corto y largo plazo. Visite para más información.
Desde el 31 de agusto del 2012 , el agua de la Ciudad de Milwaukee se suministra con un nivel de fluoruro de 0.7 mg/L. Según datos de los CDC, si el agua es fluorada o naturalmente tiene un nivel considerable de fluoruro (0.7 mg/L o más), se recomienda que los niños pequeños de hasta seis meses de edad consuman una fuente de agua alternativa con poco fluoruro si los padres utilizan agua de la llave para mezclar o diluir fórmula alimenticia para el pequeño. El agua en botella con baja concentración de fluoruro contiene en la etiqueta las palabras: purificada, desionizada, desmineralizada, destilada o preparada por ósmosis inversa (purified / deionized / demineralized / distilled / reverse osmosis). La fórmula lista para consumir (ready to feed) suele tener poco fluoruro y puede ser una opción en algunas ocasiones.
Si no es posible amamantar, los padres deben preguntarle al pediatra cuál es la mejor opción de fórmula. Los padres deben tener presente que los bebés que se alimentan exclusivamente con fórmula preparada con agua fluorada pueden tener una mayor probabilidad de sufrir una leve fluorosis dental. El término “fluorosis dental” abarca una variedad de cambios en la superficie del esmalte de los dientes.
Visite para más información sobre fluorosis dental y el uso de agua potable fluorada en la fórmula para lactantes <>